Join Us!

Share in the barefooting experiences of others around the world who go barefoot on a regular basis.

If you would like to join the Society for Barefoot Living, connect with interesting barefoot friends around the globe, and get on our discussion email group where we share and discuss our barefooting experiences, please complete this application (in English).

Please Note:

  • We have an active English language email group, averaging 7 to 12 messages per day.
  • Read About Us (especially the "What We Are Not" section) before continuing.  Note: we do not discuss sexual or fetish matters, offer a dating service, or promote the scientifically unsupported claims of "Earthing/Grounding".
  • We operate a moderated email group (to keep posts on topic).
  • An application is for one person. If you would like to apply with a friend or family member, please complete separate applications.
  • Membership is FREE (no dues or fees). The information you provide below will serve as your introduction to our members (via our private email group).

Your application has been submitted. We will be in touch in a few days, after our Membership Committee has reviewed your application. Happy barefooting for now!

Required fields in bold green.

(If you have a personal webpage, blog or Facebook profile/page you'd like to share with the group.)
(How did you hear/learn about the SBL?)
Mail Delivery Type (How would you like to receive our group emails once approved?)
(Just a line or two describing your general interests apart from barefooting, e.g., hiking, music, movies)
(In about 100 words tell us about your barefooting history and current barefooting habits. You may include what you like about barefooting, how it relates to the other areas of your life, how you would like to expand your barefooting, etc.)
(A brief interesting experience you'd like to share)

Please Note: Use this form only to submit legitimate applications. Thank you!