This page lists the “What’s New In Barefooting” articles and links that we featured from 2012 to 2015 (shown in ascending order by date).
Meet Vu Nguyen, the World’s Best Barefoot Climber – Article by Melanie Wong in Outsider Magazine (December 21, 2015)
As Lynn Hill, an American climbing pioneer, notes in the article, “…I could see how climbing barefoot could be an advantage. Our movements are based on sensory inputs, and if you’re wearing shoes, that’s mainly through your eyes and your hands. You can see the appeal of having your feet on the rock as well.”
Walking Barefoot Study Underway – By Ilse Fredericks (December 3, 2015)
Report on a new research project–a collaboration between the University of Hamburg, Germany and South Africa’s Stellenbosch University department of Sport Science, to study the differences between the feet of habitually barefoot South African children and their counterparts in Europe.
- Link to an article summarizing the preliminary study findings (November 19, 2016).
- Link to an abstract with a summary of the study findings (October 31, 2016)
Going Barefoot, Strong ‘Foot Core’ could help prevent Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints and other common injuries – Ithaca College Newswise.
Interview with Dr. Patrick McKeon of Ithaca College School of Health Sciences (November 17, 2015)
Walking Barefoot Helps You Avoid Foot Injuries, Also Improves Posture, Balance and Stability – a Medical Daily article by Samantha Olson (November 18, 2015).
As the article states, “Walking barefoot can help foster how the brain sends signals through the muscle groups to improve balance.“
Barefoot Myths – The following two new web pages identify common barefoot myths–and facts to counter them. How many of the myths have you heard . . . or believed?!
Top Ten Barefoot Myths (November, 2015) – From the SBL website
Footwear Use–Myth and Reality (revised November, 2015) – By physician an researcher Dr. Steven Robbins, MD
Runner’s World article on man who runs across the U.S. barefoot (November 6, 2015).
The article states, “Brown, who averaged about 20 miles per day, believes he is one of the first individuals to run across the U.S. without shoes. Others, including Rae Heim, have finished most of the distance unshod but wore shoes for some segments. After more than 3,000 miles of ground-pounding, Brown said his feet are in ‘good condition’.”
Men’s Health article – Four exercises You Should Always Do Barefoot, by Jill Fanslau. (October 2, 2015)
The article states: “’If you look at the problems of the foot—hammer toes, achilles tendonitis, pronation, bunions—they’re all because of shoes… When you stub your foot in a shoe all day, it makes your foot muscles, tendons, and ligaments weak. You lose mobility in your foot because it’s not moving over the ground like it’s suppose to.’ So Rooney’s advice: Go barefoot—especially at the gym.”
In his Blog, Dr. Daniel Howell, writes about “…a grassroots movement started by Jessi Stensland to liberate our feet and persuade the footwear industry to provide smarter shoes for our feet.” (September 28, 2015).
Why “Buy One, Give One” [Shoe] Companies Don’t Help Anyone – Educational video produced as part of the Adam Ruins Everything series. (September, 2015)
Sole Exposed – A thoughtful article by Mark P. Davies in Spirit Of Change Magazine (September, 2015).
The author reflects on the often overlooked benefits and delights of going barefoot, especially outdoors.
The story of the “Barefoot Mailman” – A Palm Beach, Florida Post Times (September 23, 2015).
An article about one of the area’s most endearing figures–who also happened to go barefoot.
(** Note: The link to this article no longer works. However, the following two links relate the same story: The Barefoot Mailman/West Palm Beach and The Barefoot Mailman/FloridaHikes
“Barefoot students embody Austin culture by comfortably not wearing shoes” writes Jasmine Rodriguez in Hilltop Views, the student newspaper at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas (September 25, 2015)
Going Barefoot in Office Boosts Creativity! – by Ismat Tahseen in the Times of India (August, 2015)
Who would want to argue with the inspiring premise of this article!
Memories of Barefoot Summers are Inspiring Me to Go Shoeless Once More – a submitted personal reflection by J. E. Hewitt contributed to The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada, Facts & Arguments section. (June 30, 2015)
In 2014, author and speaker Sabrina Fox embarked on a very unusual adventure. She took her shoes off for a year. She wanted to find out what would happen: to her feet, to her well-being, to her surroundings. In the last twenty-five years she has studied and written about the mind-body-connection.
View her video presentation (June 23, 2015) about her barefoot journey and resulting discoveries.
In Life of a Barefoot Dude (June 23, 2015) writer Rob Greenfield writes about his conversion to a barefoot lifestyle and the benefits he gained as a result.
Barefoot Lifestyle Interview (May 3, 2015) – Paul Mumford, an internationally respected Personal Fitness Trainer, interviews Dr. Steve Bloor, a barefoot podiatrist in the UK (for an article in Ultra-FIT magazine, June 2014, from which he used excerpts for this interview).
Read Paul’s article on his own blog here: “It’s time to get naked” (a somewhat misleading title).
Student makes the daily commute barefoot – by Ryan Squanda (February 19, 2015)
As reported in The State News (Michigan State University’s online newspaper)
Shoeless student competes on the Jeopardy! TV game show
As reported in Philadelphia magazine. (February 11, 2015)
As reported in the Central Florida Future, “UCF students bare all below the ankle, walk barefoot,” ** by Rachel S. Stuart (November, 2014).
(**Note: The link to this article no longer works)
Why Taking Off Your Shoes Could Be the Key to a Better Workout – Kelsey Cannon, in Men’s Health (November 6, 2014)
The article begins, “Your naked feet can help you lift more during this type of exercise…“
No Shoes, No Problem: Macalester’s Barefooters – By Ahren Lahvis, in The Mac Weekly (October 31, 2014)
Story of two Macalester College students who opt to go barefoot.
Giving Up Shoes, Gaining Perspective – By Melissa Aguilar, in The Beacon, University of Portland, (September 17, 2014)
Sophomore Katie May gave up wearing shoes after her experiences working with homeless and underprivileged people in Haiti and Spokane, Washington. Though she originally gave up shoes for Lent she decided to keep going barefoot after Lent ended.
5 Reasons to Let Your Children Go Barefoot – by Kathleen Quiring in Red & Honey, a site dedicated to natural living, parenting, eco-friendly ventured and real food recipes (June, 2014)
As the article relates, “…little ones — whose bodies are growing rapidly — can especially benefit from going without shoes.”
Want Better Control of Your Body? Exercise Barefoot (March, 2014)
Article on New Yorker Stacey Lei Krauss, who has studied barefoot exercise for 10 years, works as a fitness adviser and has developed a class to help participants strengthen and increase foot mobility while learning to move and land gracefully.
Sue Kenney, developer of Barebottom Shoes, appears on the Dragon’s Den TV show in Canada (January, 2014)
The Barrie Examiner article reports on the presentation and results of Kenney’s appearance on the show. (2018 Update: The original link to this article no longer works. The link above now redirects to Sue Kenney’s own website and media links.)
‘Barefoot professor’ stands out – by KOctober 30, 2012)
Dos and Don’ts of Barefoot Walking, learn how ditching your shoes can reduce pain and prevent future injuries – Article by Natalie Mackenzie in Prevention magazine (May, 2012)
Provides a primer for the general public on barefoot walking. Directed toward those still contemplating its benefits and limits.
For ‘Sole Man’ In China, One Shoeless Step At A Time – NPR, All Things Considered (December 20, 2010)
As both the article and audio version begin, “He calls himself the “Sole Man.” Englishman Arthur Jones, who lives in China, has embarked on a yearlong mission to live his life barefoot.”
Barefoot Professor Dr. Howell on NBC’s TODAY SHOW with Kathie Lee and Sheryl Crow (Dec. 2, 2010)
View the video clip here