This page lists the “What’s New In Barefooting” articles and links that we featured in 2017 (shown in ascending order by date).
‘Barefoot Santa’ spreads cheer for 18th year despite personal struggles, PTSD – by Kylie Bartholomew, in ABC Sunshine Coast, Australia (December 20, 2017)
In the weeks before Christmas, he stands barefoot, dressed in Santa garb, and enjoys spreading cheer and joy to young and old.
J.P. Whipple and His Band, Tycoon Machete – by Tom Bennett, in Utah Stories (December 15, 2017)
A focus story on J.P. Whipple, a creative Utah musician who also lives a barefoot life. Visit J.P.’s own website here.
A barefoot walk through the arts: An MSU student’s return to Missouri State – by Alia Aaron, in The Standard, Missouri State University (December 4, 2017)
An interview with a 76 year old student enrolled in the school’s senior citizen program–who also happens to go barefoot regularly, in part, following the recommendation of his doctor.
How to Climb a Coconut Tree – by Malia Wollan, in New York Times Magazine (December 1, 2017)
Number one recommendation? Don’t wear shoes!
Let Your Kids Grow Healthy Going Barefoot – Little Biotanics (November 29, 2017)
The author outlines five excellent reasons to encourage children to walk barefoot and get their developmental years off on the right foot.
Beginner MovNat Combo Workout (no equipment needed) – Video by MovNat (November 15, 2017)
MovNat Team Instructor, Stefano Tripney, guides you through a beginner-level MovNat Combo Workout that requires little or no equipment. Note that Stefano does all of the exercises barefoot.
A Statue Stirs to Life in Washington Square Park – By Michael Wilson, in The New York Times (November 14, 2017)
The inspiring story of street performer Johan Figueroa-Gonzalez, the “living statue” in Greenwich Village. Based on the article and photos, Johan not only performs his craft barefoot but also walks home barefoot through the streets of New York. Well, why not?
Pregnant at 15, she’s now a professor – by David Whiting, in Orange County Register (Anniversary feature: originally published November 30, 2012)
Interview with Thea Gavin, professor at Concordia University, Irvine, and recipient of two master’s degrees who continued her education after dropping out of high school and raising children. She also runs barefoot.
Barefoot Skateboarders – Produced by 101 India. This inspiring video documentary describes how the sport of skateboarding introduced positive social change for children in an impoverished community in India. (New to us in November, 2017. Video published September, 2016)
Is it cool to walk barefoot everywhere? – In Medimurje, a Croatian language newspaper (October 9, 2017)
This article, featuring barefooter and SBL member Nikola Novak from Croatia, appeared in Medimurje, a local Croatian language newspaper. The link, above, provides Nikola’s English translation of the article.
Nikola comments: “[In early October] I agreed to give an interview to a local paper about my lifestyle. I did it to promote the lifestyle and this way to perhaps encourage more people to go barefoot.”
10+ Times Kids Realized Their Parents Were Cooler Than Them – By Marija Bernatonyte, in Bored Panda (publication date uncertain, likely October, 2017)
Younger internet users share vintage photos of their parents when they were young, hip and, according to the article, “about a hundred times cooler than us.”
Interestingly, half of the photos show these “cool” parents barefoot. Of course, people during the ’60s and ’70s went barefoot more often. Now, that also contributes to their “cool” image, apparently. Could the barefoot trend return?

This article promotes barefoot walking as one of the top 50 things to do before you’re 11 ¾, explaining, “It’s the perfect activity to encourage your children to get mucky, explore the outdoors, and make a lasting connection with nature.” The article features ten recommended locations for barefoot walking in the U.K.

Students and community members participate in “Step by Step,” an effort to create the world’s largest mural painted entirely by bare feet.

A recent spike in barefoot lifting has led more gyms and weight rooms to reconsider questionable shoe rules. Of course, most yoga, Pilates, and barre studios expect participants to remove footwear. This article interviews a sports medicine doctor, a kinesiologist (expert in the science of body movement) and a podiatrist for their insights on lifting, running, and taking classes barefoot.
Barefoot Fitness Centers – As one example of a barefoot friendly facility, this chain of gyms and fitness centers promotes fitness and weight training while barefoot for its members (as shown left and right).

Barefoot training continues to gain traction, now especially in the lifting community–for good reason. Going barefoot offers benefits for stability, mobility, coordination, and balance.

A story of a City Council doing the right thing! The North Ogden, Utah City Council, in September, 2017, axes an old (and clearly absurd) provision in park rules that required park patrons to wear shoes in the park. Well done!

Author relates her own positive history and experience with barefoot running. She also lists some of the benefits and includes tips for starting.
Shed those shoes: Being barefoot benefits brain development and more! – Blog entry by Rae Pica, early childhood development consultant, in Rae Pica Keynotes & Consulting (September 12, 2017)
Having long advocated for allowing children to go barefoot, the author cites scientific evidence that “barefooted is better.”
100% Natural way to walk – By Nara Petrovic, in Nara’s Blog (September 4, 2017, added here Sept. 20, 2017)
An excellent review of the advantages of barefooting with responses to common questions.
New Barefoot Running Record Set by Vermont Man – By Gina Carey, story and video in Newser (August 21, 2017)
Teage O’Connor smashes a new world record by running barefoot 62 miles in 7 hours and 13 minutes.
The Surprising Reason Kids (and Adults!) Should Start Going Barefoot More – By Claire Gillespie, in The Healthy (August 21, 2017)
As introduced in the article, “If you’re fed up buying new shoes for your kid’s ever-growing feet, this news will make your day.” (Actually, we’re not surprised.)
Is it worth experimenting with barefoot running? – By George Winter in The Irish Times (August 15, 2017)
The article opens, “What could be more natural than running barefoot? As Dr Vybarr Cregan-Reid makes clear in the July 2017 issue of Psychology Today, running reminds us that we have bodies: ‘It’s bizarre that our feet, which are incredibly sensitive parts of our body, spend their time wrapped up in shoes.’ And of barefoot running, he says that it gives him ‘a richer, more dynamic experience. We develop emotional memories of places we actually touch’.”
Kent Bush: Barefoot Bikila set the standard for Ethiopian athletes – By Kent Bush in The Shawnee [Oklahoma] News-Star (August 14, 2017)
“Everything about Bikila’s gold medal is a cause of pride for Ethiopians. He was the first black man from Africa to win a gold medal. He did it in the only country that ever controlled Ethiopia. He did it all barefoot.“
5 convincing reasons to let your kids be barefoot ** – By K. Geary in Revolutionary Parent (Date not given, likely 2014)
As the title indicates, this article provides five convincing reasons to let kids go barefoot.
** NOTE: Link no longer works. Let us recommend:
1) Surprising Reason Kids and Adults Should Start Going Barefoot More
2) 5 Reasons to Let Your Children Go Barefoot
I Never Lift Weights With Shoes on, and Here’s the Important Reason – by Fina Florio in PopSugar Fitness (August 4, 2017)
Austin Lopez, CSCS and owner of Ausome Fit, prefers to have his clients remove their shoes during training. “The main benefit is ‘increased proprioception,'” he explains, “Shoes take a lot away from your ability to feel the ground.”
** NOTE: Link no longer works. Let us recommend:
Barefoot Strength Training — Can Lifting Without Shoes Help You Make More Gains? – by Eric Bugera, in BarBend (January 6, 2023)
People are Weight Training Barefoot. Is there any Upside?
We Evolved to Run—But We’re Doing It All Wrong – by Simon Worrall in National Geographic (July 30, 2017)
In an interview with researcher and author Vybarr Cregan-Reid, he shares how, inspired by his Olympic running uncle, he believes running barefoot is more natural—and less likely to result in injury.
“Once you have no cushioning at all, you get really good haptic feedback from the ground about your running form,” notes Cregan-Reid. “Cushioned shoes allow us to run badly and our bare feet tell us a lot more about the world around us.”
2015 Bettendorf High grad runs Bix 7 barefoot – by JackCullen in Quad-City Times (July 29, 2017)
Shoes just don’t feel right for 20-year Dustin Murphy of Davenport, Iowa. In his own words, “I’m into this whole living naturally thing, and I love running, so combining those two things together, it just makes sense to me. You’re born without shoes, so why would you wear them?”
No shoes? No problem for barefoot dancing at Vannie – By Sean Browne in Riverdale Press (July 28, 2017)
For more than 10 summers, the Van Cortlandt House Museum holds weekly outdoor barefoot dances, incorporating dances from various cultures. In the words of Park Conservancy president Margot Perron, “It’s being connected to the Earth and the joy of being together. You don’t get the excitement of dancing with shoes on. Dancing on one’s feet is such a tremendous feeling.”
These Shoes Are Killing Me! – Freakonomics Radio podcast, by Stephen Dubner, produced by Shelley Lewis (July 19, 2017)
As the link explains: “The human foot is an evolutionary masterpiece, far more functional than we give it credit for. So why do we encase it in “a coffin” (as one foot scholar calls it) that stymies so much of its ability — and may create more problems than it solves?” Check the podcast to find out.
Will running barefoot do you harm? – BBC Future video (July 14, 2017)
For thousands of years, humans ran without footwear. This report reviews current research exploring the benefits of returning to the practice of barefoot running.
Benefits of Going Barefoot (and the Best Barefoot Shoes) – By Katie Wells, in her Blog, Wellness Mama (June 8, 2017)
Katie responds to frequent questions and outlines the various benefits and joys of going barefoot, drawing on authoritative sources and scientific support.
The Era of the Barefoot Kicker – video by NFL Films (June 1, 2017)
NFL Films Presents looks back at the era of barefoot kickers in the NFL.
They Nailed It: Meet the Bengaluru woman who chooses to go barefoot – video by Asianetnews (May 22, 2017)
Part of a video series on ordinary people of India achieving extraordinary goals. This segment documents the story of Anitha Reddy, who gave up wearing shoes and goes barefoot everywhere, including running marathons and climbing mountains.
Barefoot Snake Hunter Catches Mother Of All Pythons – by Paul Scicchitano, in The Miami Patch (May 12, 2017)
The story of Dusty “Wildman” Crum, who always goes barefoot as he carries out his passion: catching snakes in the Florida Everglades!
Len Robbins: Oh, to be barefoot again – By Len Robbins, in Dalton Daily Citizen (May 9, 2017)
A whimsical editorial recalling the joys of childhood barefoot freedoms (and pitfalls), inspired by the writer’s young son who takes every opportunity to slip off his shoes while noting, “When you’re younger, you’ll understand.” (Oh, yes, we certainly do.)
Why the Best Shoes for Kids Might Be No Shoes at All – By Pam Moore, in, science & wellness section (April 26, 2017)
Citing numerous authoritative studies, the article lays out the scientific support for encouraging children to go barefoot, noting that optimal foot development occurs in the absence of shoes.
No Shoes, no problems for 59-year-old marathon runner – by Ryan Flynn, in Malibu Surfside News (April 18, 2017)
In 2007 marathon runner Alberto Perusset accepted his coach’s advice to run barefoot. Ten years and 98 marathons later, he has no regrets.
Practice is like a (barefoot) walk in the park for Chargers – by Dan Woike, Los Angeles Times (April 10, 2017)
Under the leadership of John Lott, the San Diego Chargers innovative strength and conditioning coach, team members participate in the team’s voluntary off-season workouts while barefoot–for its benefits.
Barefoot Bonspiel marks the close of Medstead curling season – by Corrina Murdoch, Correspondent / Battlefords News-Optimist, Saskatchewan, Canada (April 9, 2017)
Celebrating the end of the Curling season, the community of Medstead holds its annual Barefoot Bonspiel in which participants let loose and complete a round barefoot.
Barefoot Autism Challenge Begins This Weekend! An international challenge that involves no shoes – By Megan Ticknor, WeAreIowa, video of Des Moines, Iowa, ABC channel 5 Midday show, broadcast (March 27, 2017)
(** Note: The link to this article no longer works)
Tyler Leech, who goes barefoot and also has autism, appears on a TV program to promote an event (April 1-30) in which anyone, anywhere can participate to raise awareness for those struggling with Autism.
Walk Barefoot and in minimal shoes, by Dr. Theresa Nesbitt, MD, blog article in Dr. Theresa for health that lasts a lifetime (date unlisted, but likely 2014)
While not a new blog entry, we only recently discovered this blog site written by a physician who understands the benefits of going barefoot. “When you can,” suggests the author, “go barefoot or wear minimalist shoes to stimulate your brain and get in touch with the world…”
Why Vivek Mushran shoots barefoot for Ek Aastha Aisi Bhee – by Indo-Asian News Service in Hindustan Times, New Delhi, India (March 23, 2017)
Indian Actor Vivek Mushram chooses to show respect by going barefoot. “You will never see me wear my footwear during any of my scenes,” he said, in preparing for his upcoming TV show Ek Aastha Aisi Bhee.
Sans shoes, man runs up Mauna Kea; Barefoot marathoner makes trek in honor of deceased grandmother – by Kirsten Johnson in Hawaii Tribune-Herald (March 21, 2017)
A barefoot runner took on the challenge to hike barefoot the more than 40 rugged miles to the top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
The barefoot eccentric whose legacy we still use – by Bill Federer, in WorldNetDaily (March 17, 2017)
A blogger’s overview of the life of John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, who, according to the historical record, not only appreciated apples but also the barefoot life.
Girl With No Arms Sings & Plays Piano With Her Feet, YouTube video from Got Talent Global (March 21, 2017)
A talented young girl with no arms leaves the audience and judges in tears on Romania’s Got Talent as she sings and also plays the piano with her feet. An inspiring demonstration of what the human foot is capable of doing.
Indigenous tribesman inspired me to go barefoot – by Ilana Straus, in From The Grapevine, (March 9, 2017)
Upon living with the Waorani indigenous peoples of the Amazon rainforest (who generally go barefoot) the author decided to try it herself.
8th Annual Barefoot Mardi Gras – video report on KIII-TV website, Corpus Christi ABC TV News affiliate (February 17, 2017)
The Barefoot Mardi Gras takes place on February 25, 2017 on Padre Island near Corpus Christi, Texas. Event includes a parade, food, exhibits and other activities. Direct link to event here.
Paris Jackson Wears Tye-Dye Gown at the Grammys 2017…and No Shoes – by Avery Matera, TeenVogue, (February 12, 2017)
During the 2017 Grammy Awards, Paris Jackson chose to appear on stage barefoot.
[Adele did something similar at the 2012 Grammy Awards, as a recent article recalls: Adele Went Barefoot On Her Big Grammy -Award Winning Night – by Allie Fasanella, in FN (February 11, 2017)]
Watch: Furyk goes barefoot for shot at Pebble Beach – by Golf Channel Digital (February 10, 2017)
During the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am tournament, golfer Jim Furyk went barefoot for a shot off the pavement to guard against his shoes sliding on the wet concrete. Makes sense!
One way to improve classroom performance? Remove kid’s shoes – By Derek Staahl, in, CBS news affiliate, Arizona–article and video (February 8, 2017)
Education researchers say there’s a simple way to improve classroom behavior, student performance, and save money to boot – encourage kids to remove their shoes.
An unfortunate title: Barefoot on campus, it’s uncomfortable and unprofessional – by Ryan Thaxton in The Daily Reveille, LSU Student Media (February 7, 2017)
This opinion piece deserves a spot in the human/barefoot ‘hall of shame.’ It essentially seeks to ridicule, shame and dismiss those who simply look or dress outside the “norm” of the writer.
But do check the “comments” section–a collection of reasoned and intelligent responses (and the reason we’ve included this article link).
Mother Teresa went barefoot even in Beijing’s harsh winter – by P.K. Balachandran, in The New Indian Express News Service (January 21, 2017)
While speaking at a talk given by Navin Chawla, Mother Teresa’s biographer, A. Natarajan (India’s Consul General in Jaffna) noted that Mother Teresa, an epitome of simplicity and piety, went barefoot even in the biting cold of Beijing during a visit there.
Below, we’ve listed an article on the legality of driving barefoot. It answers correctly: it’s legal (no laws prohibit driving barefoot). But oddly, the article then recommend against it anyway–based on myths and inaccurate assumptions. However, the “comments” section includes excellent replies from those with actual barefoot driving experience.
- Is driving barefoot illegal? – by Zac Estrada in Motor1, (January 18, 2017))
The Carolina Show Ski Team started 2017 off the way they do most every year. By kicking off the shoes, and putting toes to the water.
The Tega Cay-based ski team hosted the 39th annual New Year’s Day Barefoot Tournament on Jan. 1 on Lake Norman. The event drew 28 skiers from the Carolinas, New Jersey, Indiana, Florida and even Canada.