This page lists the “What’s New In Barefooting” articles and links that we featured in 2018 (shown in ascending order by date).
The Last Word – Support the KIND Fund – Commentary by Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC video (published November 26, 2018 – added here December 30, 2018)
This amazing opinion piece by Lawrence O’Donnell supporting “Kids In Need of Desks” (yes, desks, not shoes!) offers remarkably intelligent commentary, not only about the actual needs of those facing poverty, but also about bare feet representing strength, not
vulnerability, as western culture so often portrays it.
O’Donnell describes barefoot adults and children he met in Malawi as conveying “strength, determination and grace.” They don’t need or want shoes. They want resources that will help them get an education.
What Being Barefoot Does to Your Brain – author unlisted, in TipHero (publication date unlisted – added here December 26, 2018)
Citing support from various research findings, the author enthusiastically endorses the practice of going barefoot and encourages parents to allow their children to do the same.
Podiatrist reveals surprising reason your kids should go barefoot – by Erinne Dragosetti in Kidspot [Australia] (December 20, 2018)
With Summer just arriving in the southern hemisphere, a Sydney, Australia based Podiatrist explains that it’s a great time to expose children’s feet to the elements – which also gives parents a chance to check their child’s lower limb and foot development. Nothing surprising about that advice!
Lying about barefoot policies does more harm than good – by
The author writes about the real and frustrating problem of people in authority making up bogus rules to enforce their own expectations and biases–something barefooters face all too often.
Paul Little: The right to bare feet in public – by Paul Little, in NZ Herald [New Zealand] (December 2, 2018)
In this opinion piece, Paul Little offers his eminently sensible perspective on public barefooting, which he views as a litmus test for how we feel about ourselves and our society.
Little writes in response to the passionate debate in New Zealand that ensued following coverage about a barefooted shopper who was asked to leave a shopping mall (see the related links below, under November 26, 2018).
—- Another related article and video: —-
I survived an hour at Sylvia Park Mall in barefeet – by Matthew Rosenberg, in Stuff [New Zealand article and video coverage] (November 27, 2018)
(Spoiler alert: Yes, he survives completely unscathed!)
Is Going Barefoot Unhealthy? ** – “fhn” (author othewise not listed), in Female Health News, (November 29, 2018)
(** Note: The link to this article no longer works)
We think the title might better read, “Is Going Barefoot Healthy?” Nevertheless, the article does an excellent job of answering that question in the affirmative: yes, going barefoot offers many significant health benefits.
Cold Weather Barefooting – Winter Barefooting – ** “fhn” (author otherwise not listed), in Female Health News (November 29, 2018)
(** Note: The link to this article no longer works)
This article provides an excellent introduction to barefooting in snow and cold weather. Yes, its possible and even fun–with adequate preparation.
As the author begins, “It is time for cold weather barefooting! Leave those snowboots in the closet and socks in the drawer! Instead, roll your pants up to the middle of your calves and plunge bare feet first into that frosty white carpet!”
Where and when are bare feet all good? A historic Spinoff debate – by Don Rowe and Madeleine Chapman, in The Spinoff [New Zealand] (November 26, 2018)
In this publication from New Zealand–a country that views going barefoot (at any age) as part of its culture and national identity–the report of a barefoot woman denied entry into a shopping mall sparked a fierce backlash, passionate debate and even a petition! One respondent viewed going barefoot as an inalienable human right. Others saw it as a point of cultural pride. New Zealanders get it!
Original article that inspired the above debate
Manchester native runs the Chicago Marathon barefoot – by Dan Mika, in The Gazette [Iowa] (November 11, 2018)
An inspiring account of a woman who overcame a pain disorder by preparing for, and then running the Chicago Marathon barefoot.
Rain, snow, sleet, he coaches football barefoot. Barefoot! All year. On purpose – by
Wallkill Valley, New Jersey high school football head coach Bobby Leach goes barefoot at every football game. In fact, he goes barefoot as much as humanly possible. Why? Because he likes it. We understand.
Kids who go barefoot have better balance, study finds – in Herald Live [South African publication] (October 27, 2018)
According to a recent study by Stellenbosch University, children who grow up not wearing shoes have a distinct advantage over those who do, including better balance and ability to jump further.
- Another article on the same study: Barefoot is better for kids‚ new study shows – by
- Yet another article: New Study Finds Children Who Spend More Time Barefoot Jump Farther, Balance Better – by Brandon Hall in Stack (December 5, 2018)
Busted! 10 myths about feet – by Rebecca Lowrey Boyd, in Better Homes and Gardens [Australia] (October 26, 2018)
A podiatrist who understands the benefits of going barefoot answers ten frequently asked questions about feet and foot health.
Runner sings praises of hitting trails barefoot – by Daniel Cobb, in News-Press Now, St. Joseph, MO (October 7, 2018)
For the past five years, Todd Lindstrom has gone on daily runs barefoot, a style that he says has made a world of difference in his life.
Being Barefoot is normal for Spring Hope man – Reporter Scott Mason, WRAL TV North Carolina, news 5 (October 2, 2018)
Story of Warren Boone, 77 years old native of Spring Hope, North Carolina, who has gone barefoot for almost his entire life.
The Story of My Stolen Bamboo Bike – YouTube video by Bob Greenfield (September 11, 2018)
After someone stole his bike, Rob Greenfield, adventurer, activist, humanitarian and barefooter, not only sought to find it but also started a charity to give bikes to kids who had their own bikes stolen. That also led to local news coverage of his efforts.
Greenfield’s own video shows him going barefoot in numerous locations, indoors and out, including his visit to a public school to make a very special presentation there.
For more about Bob Greenfield’s decision to live barefoot, see his video: The Life of a Barefoot Dude
French ‘barefoot park’ founders walk 57km barefoot – in The Connexion, French news and views (September 7, 2018)
A brief description of two founders of France’s first ever “barefoot parks” who walked 57 kilometres barefoot across Vosges (Grand Est) to celebrate their hobby, businesses and friendship. The article includes links to their Facebook pages.
Barefoot at school : To go barefoot, you have to make peace with the unknown – by Aaron Browder, Open School staff member, in OpenSchool (September 6, 2018)
The author opens, “About two years ago, I decided I didn’t want to wear shoes anymore… At the school where I work, The Open School [in southern California], barefoot is no problem.”
Browder goes on to reflect on how the main roadblock to going barefoot amounts to a psychological one.
Barefoot hiker bags Continental Divide Trail – by Rob Chaney in The Missoulian (September 6, 2018)
On Labor Day Monday, Ninemile resident Dave Murray completed the 3,100-mile Continental Divide Trail from Mexico to Canada barefoot.
This article relates his experience.
Milind Soman wants you to throw out your running shoes to get fit like him – by Radhika Agrawal, in GQIndia (September 5, 2018)
Long distance runner Milind Soman began running barefoot as an experiment. “I was running and in the last kilometer once,” he explains, “when I took my shoes out and ran in my socks. And very strangely I discovered that my feet felt refreshed. I realized that my feet were feeling very tired inside my shoes.”
The Pros and Cons of Strength Training Barefoot, According to These Experts – by Christina Stiehl, in Popsugar, (September 4, 2018)
As the title states, this article relies on expert testimony to identify reasons for and against barefoot strength training. Based on their findings, we would conclude that the benefits outweigh any negatives.
A Barefoot Fantasia Barrino Sings Soulful Tribute At Aretha Franklin’s Funeral – by Elyse Wanshel, in Huffington Post (September 1, 2018)
Grammy Award-winning singer Fantasia Barrino kicked off her shoes before singing a thrilling rendition of Aretha Franklin’s “Precious Lord, Take My Hand / You’ve Got a Friend.”
As she stated, referring to Franklin, “I hope she don’t mind, I don’t think she would, but I think I’m gonna come out of my shoes.” Standing on holy ground?
Go Barefoot And Other Financial Tips – by Robert Pagliarini, in Forbes (August 22, 2018)
While not strictly “about” barefooting, the author uses his own positive experience with barefoot walking and toughening his feet to illustrate broader helpful points about finances.
Yes, the benefits of going barefoot can offer useful life lessons for all aspects of living!
Going Barefoot and 8 Other Ways to Improve Balance – by Brock Armstrong, in QDT [Quick and Dirty Tips, do things better] (August 21, 3018)
Recognizing that balance plays an important role in leading a healthy life at any age, this article highlights the value of going barefoot as part of the solution for better balance.
School runnings: Why Kiwi kids are better off in barefeet – By Jamie Morton, in NZHarold, New Zealand (August 18, 2018)
New research suggests Kiwi kids’ contemporary choice of footwear–or lack of it–likely brings them big benefits. Link (above) includes printed article and accompanying video.
Related editorial: Let the kids go barefoot when they want (August 18, 2018)
Link to the actual study
Running Barefoot Could Be Better For You – By Lisette Reymer, in NewsHub, New Zealand (August 18, 2018)
A new study shows New Zealand children are opting to go shoe-free and it’s set to bring them big benefits later in life (the study survey also found that almost half of New Zealand teens go “habitually” barefoot).
Link to the actual study: Being barefoot. Prevalence at home, in school and during sport: a cross-sectional survey of 714 New Zealand secondary school boys – by Peter Francis, Grant Schofield and Lisa Mackay, in Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (July, 2018)
Barefoot and Free yoga weekend in Commerce – by FOX2 News, Detroit, MI (August 13, 2018)
TV news feature on the August 17-19 Barefoot and Free Yoga weekend event in Commerce, Michigan, near Detroit (see earlier links on this event, below–July 15).
Children Should Spend More Time Barefoot to Encourage a Healthier Foot Structure – by Peter Francis, Leeds Beckett University, in The Conversation (August 2, 2018)
As the article states, “…logic suggests that growing up barefoot is a good thing.” The author reviews recent research on the health benefits for children who go barefoot, and also covers “running as nature intended” and “the problem with shoes.”
Another link to this article in Independent/UK
Barefoot Festival Returns To Town, by David Godsall, in Loughborough Echo, UK (July 26, 2018)
This festival, on July 27-29 in Loughborough, England, celebrates getting back to basics and getting grass between your toes. Barefoot Festival website here.
Ulster Rugby’s Stephen Bell takes on the Ireland Way barefoot – by Sarah Scott, in BelfastLiveUK (July 25, 2018)
Former Ulster Rugby player Stephen Bell completed a 1,000km walk across Ireland, all barefoot, in a bid to show people the importance of connecting with nature.
Is going barefoot good for your kids? – 9News, NBC Denver (July 22, 2018)
News segment on a recent study suggesting that children who spend most of their time barefoot develop better motor skills. (See July 11-13, 2018 links, below, for more coverage on this study published in Frontiers in Pediatrics)
Local Restaurant Welcomes Barefoot Customers – by Bailey Hurley and KVLY Valley News, Fargo, ND (July 19, 2018)
TV news segment (video and transcript) reports on a barefoot friendly establishment, and also dispels a common health code myth (pointing out correctly that Health Dept. codes do not require footwear for customers). We applaud the restaurant manager and wish her all the best for a thriving business!
Barefoot & Free Yoga Festival – 3rd annual event on August 17-19, 2018 by Proud Lake, Michigan, near Detroit (July 15, 2018)
Festival includes yoga classes, healing artists, inspirational talks, music, and more. Their Facebook page
Footwear habits influence child and adolescent motor skill development – in EurekAlert, AAAS Global source for Science news (July 11, 2018)
Research suggests that regular physical activity without shoes may improve children’s and adolescents’ balancing and jumping skills and that children who spend most of their time barefoot develop motor skills differently from those who habitually wear shoes. (Published in Frontiers in Pediatrics).
Other coverage on this study – Articles: HindustanTimes (July 12, 2018) and PhysicalTherapyProducts (July 13, 2018); TV news segment: Is going barefoot good for your kids? (July 22, 2018)
Why and How to Let Your Kids Go Barefoot (Safely) – Original by Amanda Elder, shared by Ashley Trexler, a mother who writes a blog called Lies About Parenting (date uncertain, but since 2017)
This blog entry offers four excellent reasons to “kick the shoes to the curb” whenever possible.
With summer in full swing . . . some additional recent articles on the benefits of going barefoot for kids (not previously listed on this page):
- Five Ways Going Barefoot Benefits Kids – by Anna in Modern Alternative Mama blog (2017)
- Parents: We Should Let Our Kids Go Barefoot As Often As Possible – Hayley Malan in Kids Safety Network (2017)
- 5 Reasons to Let Your Children Go Barefoot – Kathleen Quiring (2017)
- Let Your Kids Grow Healthy Going Barefoot – Little Botanics (2017)
- Should Kids Be Barefoot in the Summer? – by 2016)
- How Going Barefoot Benefits Your Kids – by Rebecca Bauman in Care2 (2016)
- See more related links on our Websites – Children & Health page
Provo man attempts world record of walking barefoot one mile on LEGO bricks – by June 30, 2018)
(Spoiler alert) The man did not break the record. However, as noted with another similar LEGO story (scroll down to January 27, 2018, below) while the account predictably describes this event as a challenge, a seasoned barefooter will not likely find this kind of effort all that amazing or difficult.
Outdoors: Hike barefoot and feel the outdoors, An experiment on Bald Mountain gives new sensations – by Herb Terns, in TimesUnion (June 14, 2018)
Some honest and overall positive impressions of first time barefoot hikers with tender feet. (Experienced barefoot hikers know it becomes easier and much more fun over time as bare feet naturally toughen up.)
Young Princess Leonore gets attention at her sister’s christening for going barefoot – By Morgan M. Evans in Fox News (June 12, 2018)
A royal princess goes barefoot at a formal event. Yes, even a member of a royal family can appreciate the simple things of life! We applaud the reasonable judgement of her parents for giving her the freedom!
In Rutherford, teen sets record for solving a Rubik’s Cube — with his feet – by Christopher Maag, in NorthJersey (June 9, 2018)
Ah, the triumph of de feet! Yes, our feet can do amazing things when given the chance.
For another unique “double take” on this, check out this video of a blindfolded man who solves a Rubik Cube while walking barefoot on Legos!
Lessons and Barefoot Adventures – by Thea Gavin, in Trail Sisters (June 7, 2018)
A 58 year old barefoot hiker shares what her feet have taught her, including a great way to stay young at heart.
Thea writes: “Keep your Hokas on if you want; it’s not necessary to lose your shoes to gain insight into your mind/body connection, but you’ll be missing out on the fun of getting to know dirt, dust, mud, forest floor, rocks—so many kinds of rocky friends—and puddles! Creeks! It’s like being a kid again, only most of the angst is gone.”
National Go Barefoot Day, June 1 – In Days Of Year (June 1, 2018)
Actually, any day seems right to go barefoot! But if you haven’t tried it yet, June 1st offers a fine day to start. And if that date has passed? Don’t worry, it’s never too late! Carpe diem!
The Days Of Year article also notes some benefits of going barefoot and cites an interesting study of the foot health of people who have never worn shoes (a link to that study also provided on the Medical Research page of this SBL website).
Meet the barefoot, tree-climbing, yoga-instructing goldsmith who, by the way, also paints flowers – by Tim Engstrom, in Lakeshore Weekly News, Minnesota swnewsmedia (May 25, 2018)
The title pretty well tells it all. “I hate shoes,” notes Kathy Creger, the subject of the article. “I have hated them since I was a kid. Most jobs, I haven’t had to worry about them.” We’re glad to hear that.
The Barefoot Bandits – A New Zealand based children’s cartoon series
This animated family comedy series debuted in late 2016 but we only recently learned of it.
The series relates the fanciful adventures of three barefoot kids who live on Ngaro island as they investigate mysteries, thwart natural disasters, take on villains and even travel in space! Who needs shoes for that?!
Dogpatch startup lets employees paint walls, walk around barefoot at new office – by Brock Keeling, in San Francisco Curbed (May 16, 2018)
A business that encourages employees to get comfortable, including going barefoot. “We want our office to feel like a home, to be comfortable and authentic.” Could this start a trend? We can hope.
Related articles:
- SF startup makes new office a home with no-shoes policy – by Carolyn Said in San Fransisco Chronicle(May 9, 2018)
- The CEO of a $1 billion company explains why he makes everyone who walks into the office take their shoes off – by Jacquelyn Smith, in Business Insider (March 18, 2016)
Kristen Stewart ditches shoes on Cannes Red Carpet to protest dress code rule ** – by Mark Gray, in MSN (May 15, 2018)
(** Note: The link to this article no longer works)
We understand her concern and support her cause. Another article covering this story.
Running Barefoot in the Park: should you or should you not go… – by Preeti Zacharia, in The Hindu, India (May 14, 2018)
A positive review of barefoot running and how to transition to it.
This article cites scientific references and relates the experiences of actual barefoot runners including Bengaluru-based Thomas Bobby Philip, the first Indian to successfully complete Boston barefoot.
UNF Researchers Show Running Barefoot Improves Working Memory – by media contact Joanna Norris, Director, Dept of Public Relations, in UNF Public Relations (May 10, 2018)
According to a new study by researchers at the University of North Florida, running barefoot is better than running with shoes for your working memory. Information worth remembering!
Bruce Tulloh, Barefoot Running Champion, dies at 82 – by Roger Robinson, in Runner’s World (April 29, 2018)
Tulloh became known as the first non-African to compete without shoes in top-level international races. His bare feet and slight 5-foot-7 build made him beloved by British crowds and media.
Walking Barefoot is Good for the Sole – by Bonnie Tooney, in Sentinel & Enterprise (April 29, 2018)
The author writes, “You gotta take off your shoes once in a while, feel the earth beneath your feet, act like a kid. It’s good for your soles–and for your soul.” We would only add, take off those shoes more often than just once in a while!
Yes, I Take My Shoes Off In Public. No, I’m Not Sorry – by Ayana Lage, in Bustle (April 25, 2018)
A writer who prefers to go barefoot, often does, and feels secure in that choice, writes from her local coffee shop, while barefoot, to share her reasons.
Walking Barefoot Promotes Children’s Physical Growth – Asharq Al-Awsat (April 23, 2018)
A new study of German and South African youth conducted by a team of physicians suggests that walking barefoot promotes children’s physical development.
I Never Lift Weights With Shoes on, and Here’s the Important Reason – by Gina Florio in PopSugar Fitness (April 22, 2018)
Austin Lopez, CSCS and owner of Ausome Fit, prefers to have his clients remove their shoes during training. “The main benefit is ‘increased proprioception,’” he explains, “Shoes take a lot away from your ability to feel the ground.”
The Agony of de Feet – By Averett Jones, in The Southside Messenger, Virginia (April 20, 2018)
A barefooter offers excellent answers to frequently raised questions about going barefoot.
What’s the Deal with Juneau’s Barefoot Guy? – by Adelyn Baxter in KTOO Public Media (April 20, 2018)
Story about Juneau, Alaska resident Michael Boyer who, due to a birth defect affecting his foot, goes barefoot year round for better comfort.
Woman who got married barefoot hasn’t worn shoes in three years – by Hatty Gladwell, in Metro/UK (April 10, 2018)
The story of Kasandra Smith, who found that ditching her shoes helped reduce the anxiety she’d suffered in the past. As she relates, “I can’t quite explain it but I feel so much more calm and confident without shoes. …When I’m barefoot, I feel much more relaxed.”
Barefoot Autism Challenge – Video by Tyler Leech (April 5, 2018)
April includes Autism Awareness Month. Tyler Leech explains how you can show your support by participating in his second annual Barefoot Autism Challenge, which runs through the month of April, 2018.
Hippie Fest – Website highlights all six 2018 festival tour dates and locations cross the U.S. between May and October (April, 2018).
As the site explains, “Hippie Fest is the grooviest festival of the year! Featuring one-of-a-kind artists and vendors, bohemian shopping, and family-friendly entertainment.” To fully appreciate these events, we can’t imagine attending anyway but barefoot!
Caroline Jones has a new music Album, “Bare Feet,” with a title song by the same name . . .
Self-Taught Musician Caroline Jones Drops ‘Bare Feet’ Ahead Of Summer Tour With Jimmy Buffett – by Bonnie Faller, in Hollywood Life (March 30, 2018) — NOTE: This link includes the video of her title song, Bare Feet.
Caroline Jones Talks Singing With Jimmy Buffett, New Album ‘Bare Feet’ – by Chuck Dauphin, in Billboard (March 30, 2018)
Jones indicates that her song is about authenticity and joy. Absolutely. But the lyrics also convey a theme and message that surely resonates with anyone who enjoys the simple pleasure of going barefoot.
Why One of the Parkland Teens Was Barefoot on the Cover of Time – By Rebecca Jennings, in Racked
The Time magazine cover for April 2 features the Stoneman Douglas High School students of Parkland, Florida, spearheading the #NeverAgain movement. One of the students chose to appear barefoot, which inspired its own media conversation.
The Racked article explains that the decision wasn’t premeditated. They just wore what they wanted. As the student, herself, explained, “To everyone wondering why I’m not wearing shoes in the cover: I didn’t feel like it – plain and simple. Hippies didn’t wear shoes in the 60’s so I’m just jumping on the bandwagon.”
So there we have it. In the midst of addressing tragedy, a normal teen sees going barefoot as a natural, comfortable thing to do. No, it’s not just a 60’s trend.
‘Crazy barefoot lady’ Sue Kenney brings winter barefooting to Muskoka – by Agatha Farmer, in (March 15, 2018)
Canadian Sue Kenney, a best-selling author, screenplay writer, savvy entrepreneur and recently, a Muskoka barefoot guide, wants people to experience the benefits of walking the forest floor in bare feet, even in the winter. Curious? Read more about her in the article.
Trendy ‘barefoot’ running sandals DOUBLE stress on your muscles, joints and bones, Harvard study warns – By Reporter, in Daily Mail, UK (March 13, 2018)
Report on an enlightening Harvard study warning that pricey footwear inspired by the Mexican Tarahumara tribe almost double the level of stress on the body compared to walking in bare feet. Why? “In general, people tread more lightly when walking barefoot than in minimal footwear.”
In other words, this study confirms another advantage gained by those who go barefoot.
Delicate – New music video by Taylor Swift – YouTube TaylorSwiftVEVO (published March 11, 2018)
Numerous singers perform barefoot on stage. In this music video Taylor Swift dances barefoot outdoors and in urban settings – and quite deftly.
The barefoot dance sequence apparently represents Swift imagining herself suddenly “invisible” from the pressures and confinement of celebrity status. Thus freed up, the newly confident and energized singer sheds her shoes to dance blissfully barefoot through a hotel lobby, a rainy street and even in a subway station. Barefoot dancing as a symbol of freedom and bliss. We get it!

A helpful article for anyone looking to find support for indoor fitness training while barefoot. The author, a fitness trainer, states, “I am a barefoot trainer and believe there are great benefits to training without shoes.“She then elaborates.Unfortunately, the article cites some unfounded concerns about outdoor barefooting. But overall, it offers a positive review of the benefits of barefoot fitness training.

A warm tribute to a much-loved, retiring librarian who generally went barefoot. As another staff member observed, “Her being barefoot is an example of how she set the tone to make this library so loved and successful.” How about that! A model approach for other libraries to emulate.

As the article notes, there’s no shoe that can replicate the feeling of bare feet in the sand. Fashion designer Ralph Lauren obviously agrees, as his fall 2018 runway show during New York Fashion Week featured barefoot models. Makes perfect sense.
Riding the wave of inner calling – inspirational talk by Nara Petrovic, on Subject Creativity video, linked here February 11, 2018 (originally posted: July 25, 2016)
Inspirational speaker and lifestyle barefooter, Nara Petrovic, speaks on creativity, questioning norms and making changes when learning something new–using the example of his own decision to break with norms and go barefoot based on his research.
Brave schoolboys play FIRE FOOTBALL in bare feet using coconut soaked in kerosene for ball – by Dave Burke, in Mirror [UK] (February 8, 2018)
Article and video shows boys in Indonesia playing soccer (“football” outside the U.S.) while barefoot–using a kerosene soaked coconut literally ON FIRE!
Just shows that bare feet can handle many assumed “dangers” with some basic awareness and caution.
The name says it all: Barefoot Mardi Gras parade – by Suzanne Freeman, in 101ChorpusChristi (February 5, 2018)
This year the Barefoot Mardi Gras takes place on February 10, 2018 on Padre Island near Corpus Christi, Texas. Event includes a parade, food, exhibits and other activities.
Direct link here:
Virginia man breaks record by walking over 120ft of Lego bricks barefoot! – By Maxine Shen, in Daily Mail (January 27, 2018)
The article predictably describes this as a challenge, but a seasoned barefooter will not find this all that amazing or difficult, as a number of the ‘comments’ under the article note.
Lucia Micarelli, barefoot violinist, plays eclectic Asheville show – In Asheville Citizen-Times, part of the USA Today Network (January 20, 2018)
Story about accomplished violinist Lucia Micarelli who regularly performs on stage barefoot. Additional video of Micarelli performing here.
Barefoot In Canada–January 18, 2018 – Bridge City News, Vancouver, Canada broadcast (January 18, 2018)
Segment covers the experience of a regular barefooter in Vancouver and interviews with experts including Dr. Daniel Howell, the “Barefoot Professor” and author of The Barefoot Book. (see link to book on our homepage).
Post Time: Iconic Barefoot Mailman route ended 125 years ago this week ** – By Eliot Kleinberg, in Palm Beach Post (January 17, 2018)
Between 1885 and 1893, rugged pioneers traversed the 136 miles between Palm Beach and Key Biscayne, Florida. They traveled 56 miles in small boats and the remaining 80 on foot, walking in the hard sand at the ocean’s edge. At least one did it barefoot.
(** Note: The link to this article no longer works. However, the following two links relate the same story: The Barefoot Mailman/West Palm Beach and The Barefoot Mailman/FloridaHikes
The Ultimate Golf Savage: Former NFL Coach only plays Golf Barefoot and uses a 5-Iron to Putt – By Stephen Hennessey, in Golf Digest (January 11, 2018)
Story of former NFL, University of Hawaii and SMU football coach June Jones who apparently always plays golf barefoot. Certainly makes sense to us (Story also told here: Golf Channel).
Should we exercise barefoot? – by Raewyn Ng, in Stuff, Well & Good, New Zealand (January 9, 2018)
A reader poses the question in the title to Raewyn Ng, a Movement and Wellness Coach. Short answer: yes, it offers many benefits. For more, see the article.
For 2017 “What’s New in Barefooting” archives