This page lists the “What’s New In Barefooting” articles and links that we featured in 2019 (shown in ascending order by date).
Silicon Valley’s newest startup trend? Shoeless office policies – by Katie Canales, in Business Insider (December 8, 2019)
What a great new trend! Many Silicon Valley startups have started offering no-shoes office policies, allowing employees to spend the workday in house slippers, socks, or barefoot. Only one question: How soon will the rest of the business world catch up?
Walking barefoot is the new wellness trend experts swear by. Here’s why… – by Lottie Winter, in Glamour Magazine/UK (December 3, 2019)
A refreshing and positive overview of various recent research results that support the benefits of going barefoot.
Review: A Fearless, Barefoot Pianist Makes a Carnegie Debut – by Anthony Tommasini, in The New York Times (November 21, 2019)
Woman runs equivalent of 90 marathons across UK barefoot – in The Irish News (November 17, 2019)
Anna McNuff, endurance athlete, global adventurer and Girlguiding ambassador has reached the finish line of her six month challenge to run the equivalent of 90 marathons while barefoot. She spent 168 days on the road, visited 143 towns and spoke to 1,700 Girl Guides.
Another article (Daily Mail) about the completion of her challenge Here.
(Scroll down to see earlier coverage of her challenge.)
TV interview with barefoot runner Anna McNuff – Channel5 TV News/UK (November 11, 2019)
British TV interview with Anna McNuff, an endurance athlete and global adventurer has nearly finished a five-month long cross country challenge to run 100 marathons barefoot–to encourage and inspire others to do things they’re not sure they can actually do.
Anna’s website lists other online articles, interviews and Q&A’s here.
Additional links about Anna listed on this “What’s New” page: scroll down to May, June and July.
Meet the barefoot marathoner who ran in tribal garb – by Suzy Weiss, in New York Post (November 4, 2019)
Brynda Mara Grube, a 41-year-old long term resident of New York City, ran this year’s TCS NYC Marathon barefoot. But it wasn’t her first such “feat.” Grube explained that she ran shoeless to bring awareness to climate change and indigenous populations affected by it.
Pittsburgh filmmaker Julie Sokolow on ‘Barefoot: The Mark Baumer Story,’ her latest documentary – by Michael Machosky, in NEXTPittsburgh (November 4, 2019)
In 2016, author, poet and environmental activist Mark Baumer took a break from his Brown Univ. job to film himself walking barefoot across America to bring awareness to the threat of climate change. Baumer had studied barefoot running, and trained to build up his feet.
His videos drew the attention of acclaimed Pittsburgh-based filmmaker Julie Sokolow, and her documentary, “Barefoot: The Mark Baumer Story,” explores his journey.
Note: while Baumer took steps to ensure his safety, his journey ended in tragedy in Jan. 2017 when, after 100 days on the road, he was struck and killed by a car in Florida. News report here.
What can you learn from playing golf barefoot? – by Andrew Wright, in National Club Golfer (November 1, 2019)
Due to back injuries, Joseph Bramlett couldn’t play golf for years. Now healthy and on tour, he attributes his comeback to some unique practices, including playing barefoot. Bramlett found that doing that encouraged a less physically taxing swing pattern.
Walking barefoot on farm for 79th Birthday wish – by Blake Brown, in (October 15 2019)
A local news story about a woman who chose to walk barefoot in the dirt on the farm for her 79th birthday wish. She wanted to rekindle fond childhood memories.
Glad she got the chance! How sad, though, if she missed out on this kind of fun since her childhood. So carpe diem! Don’t wait till 79 to embrace this simple yet profound pleasure of life!
Shoeless and Shameless – by Julian Roberts-Grmela, in The Spectrum/Univ. at Buffalo, NY (October 14, 2019)
Matthew Romanyk, known on the UB campus as the “Barefoot Longboard Guy,” stopped wearing shoes after noticing another student riding his longboard without shoes. Going barefoot empowers him by helping “build his toughness” –– literally and metaphorically. The campus community supports his choice–including in the dining area (though one manager seems sadly misinformed about how bacterial transfer and related health and safety actually works).
“You are all queens” Strom Thurmond High staff prides homecoming court after taking the field barefoot – by staff of WRDW-TV [Edgefield, S.C.] (October 5, 2019)
When a student could not wear high heels to her high school homecoming events due to an illness, the entire homecoming court kicked off their shoes in a gesture of support and sympathy. Kudos to the school administration for supporting this positive choice.
Good Morning America coverage of this story (October 8, 2019)
Sioux Falls Solved: Is it illegal to drive barefoot in the United States? – by Makenzie Huber, in Sioux Falls Argus Leader (October 1, 2019)
This article confirms, again, the legality of driving barefoot (in all 50 U.S. states). But it also relates the personal story of Matt Vanderlinde who drives barefoot daily each summer–correctly recognizing that it’s safer than driving with sandals (despite the unsupported opinions of the safety officer quoted in the article).
‘Aren’t your feet cold?!’ What it’s like to go barefoot everywhere – by Amy Russell, in The Spinoff/NZ (October 1, 2019)
In New Zealand’s Parliament in Wellington, policy advisor Amy Russell explains why she rarely wears shoes. Answer? (Spoiler alert!) She really likes feeling the textures, temperatures and freedom it gives. So simple. Though she offers added insights that any barefooter will appreciate.
Amy concludes, “The happiest and most interesting world is one in which everyone feels free to pursue their harmless quirks, and we all get to enjoy the diversity.” Wise policy advisor!
No Shoes, No Problem – by Ayoung Jo, in UTMercury (September 29, 2019)
Account of a University of Texas, Dallas student who has spent the past two years almost completely barefoot, and the joy that has brought her.
Barefoot Hiker takes on Wedge – by Joel Barde, in Pique Newsmagazine (September 13, 2019)
The story of Tommy Gaudet, a barefoot hiker from Whistler, BC, who finds that he can hike quicker and better without footwear. Added to that, he’s just happier without shoes! We understand.
Toes become Fingers in the Brains of ‘Foot painters’ – by Serena Gordon, in Health Day (September 11, 2019)
Feet have amazing capabilities and the potential for remarkable dexterity and control–when given the chance (meaning not regularly confined in a shoe). New research adds data to confirm this. “If you use your feet like hands from birth,” the article explains, “the brain will create a different ‘map’ of the toes that’s more like the one it has for the fingers.”
Off the cuff: the beauty of walking barefoot – by Padmini B. Sanka, in Gulf News/UAE (September 1, 2019)
The writer joyfully concludes, “As my feet covered the earth, one foot at a time, my ego slowly, bit by bit, vanished. I felt liberated. I was one with the universe.” The full article explains how she reached this liberating sensation.
This man is running barefoot 900 miles to help save the environment – By Natalie Morris, in Metro/UK (August 27, 2019)
People sometimes promote causes by going barefoot. Sadly, more than a few do it to gain sympathy–by equating bare feet with hardship.
Not Tony Riddle! The joy of going barefoot inspires him to promote greater care for the environment.
Born with under-developed lower limbs, Tony’s feet once caused him pain. With therapy his feet can now easily carry him across the United Kingdom. ‘We are so disconnected from and void of nature,” explains Tony, “how can we ever relate to our environmental issues and fully commit to sustainability? If we can’t connect or relate to nature, what chance do we have of saving it, and ourselves.”
The barefoot ranger protecting animals he once poached – article and video link by AfricanNews (August 26, 2019)
An inspiring story of Nunu Jobe, a former antelope poacher, now barefoot ranger in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. To remain closer to nature, Jobe hung up his boots and decided to go barefoot two years ago.
Going barefoot isn’t so bad – published by Today/Singapore (August 19, 2019)
“Not so bad”?! Pretty good, really! More on the Harvard study indicating some of the advantages of walking barefoot.
Paid ‘barefoot bookseller’ wanted at this luxurious Maldives resort – here’s how to apply – by Carly Odell, in LeicestershireLive/UK (August 18, 2019)
Who wants a dream barefoot job in a “barefoot paradise”? They’re looking for a barefoot bookseller in the Maldives! The job includes living barefoot on a beautiful island for six months.
Flying with the barefoot pilots of the Maldives ** – CNN Travel Video featured in The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal (August 6, 2019)
(** Note: The link to this article no longer works)
Ever dream about working as a barefoot pilot? Watch this video of pilots livin’ the dream! Bonus feature: two additional videos about the Trans Maldivian barefoot pilots:
Should all we follow Prince Harry’s lead and go barefoot? The benefits of living life unshod – by Guy Kelly, in The Telegraph/UK (August 5, 2019)
As the article notes, some view Prince Harry’s decision to deliver a speech while barefoot as “one giant, barefooted leap for humanity.” We agree!
What happens when you go barefoot? Not what you’d expect, study says – by Liam Mannix, in The Sydney Morning Harold AU (July 26, 2019)
A growing number of kindergartens in Australia have decided to throw off the shackles of shoes.
As Jane Arnett, The East Brunswick Co-director explains, “I think about my childhood. We did not wear shoes. …It’s lovely for the kids to experience that same sense of freedom when they are not wearing shoes – and you can feel all the experiences, running on grass and sand, the feeling of climbing with barefoot – you’re actively using the muscles in your feet.”
Will schools in the U.S. and elsewhere follow suit? A few already do. Also, another article on students performing better in shoeless schools.
Born to Walk Barefoot – by Gretchen Reynolds, in The New York Times (July 17, 2019)
Another report on the scientific research by Harvard professor Dr. Daniel Lieberman and colleagues in Germany and Kenya regarding advantages to walking barefoot tied to the development of calluses. (See additional article links below, under June 26, 2019)
Meet the 68-year-old Russian who travels the world barefoot – by Anna Sorokina, in Russia Beyond (July 11, 2019)
Despite modern transportation options, Vladimir Nesin prefers to see the world on foot. As he explains, “I ran around barefoot as a kid, and whenever I take my shoes off it’s like a return to my childhood.” So far he has visited 146 countries, all while barefoot.
The Spiritual Practice of Going Barefoot – by Christine Sine, in Godspace (July 8, 2019)
The author cites some of the benefits of barefoot living and how this practice can also enhance one’s spiritual life.
Related article: Walking Barefoot in the Neighborhood–What Can We Learn? – by Andy Wade in Godspace (July 9, 2019)
Let Them Be Barefoot: The Importance of Kids Going Shoe-less – by Nathanal Littauer, in Stack (July 4, 2019)
Another excellent article highlighting the substantial benefits of allowing children to go barefoot. As the article concludes, “The more time kids spend barefoot…the more they will reap the benefits of neural efficiency and foot strength.”
Olympians’ daughter running the length of Britain, barefoot – by Anne Francis, in RunningMagazine/Canada (July 3, 2019)
Anna McNuff, an ambassador for Girlguiding UK, has embarked on a Barefoot Britain journey to inspire people to do things they’re not sure they can actually do. (Additional articles on Anna below)
Going Barefoot Is Good for the Sole – by Karen Weintraub, in Scientific American (June 26, 2019)
Reporting on scientific research by Harvard professor Dr. Daniel Lieberman and colleagues in Germany and Kenya–this article explains that walking without shoes builds calluses, but that does not limit sensation.
The original research study – published in Nature (June, 2019)
More articles and a video on this study:
- Barefoot Walking Gives You Calluses That Are Even Better for Your Feet Than Shoes, Study Suggests – by Christopher Wanjek, in LiveScience (June 26, 2019)
- Why Calloused Bare Feet are Better Fit Than Cushioned Shoes – by editorial staff, in Nature (June 26, 2019)
- Why You Should Embrace your Foot Calluses – by Vicky Stein, in PBS News Hour (June 26, 2019)
- Why Not Wearing Shoes Does A Body Good – by Christian Cotroneo, in Mother Nature Network (June 27, 2019) Note: unfortunately, this MNN author’s comments suggest that he neither goes barefoot nor understands its true benefits verses risks.
- Barefoot Walking – Video about this study with Dr. Lieberman (June 26, 2019)
The world may finally be embracing NZ’s most beloved summer tradition: bare feet – by Elle Hunt, in The SpinOff/NZ (June 9, 2019)
As this opinion piece begins, “There are few things New Zealanders love more than walking around the city without shoes or socks on. And now, just maybe, the Northern Hemisphere is ready to get onboard.” We support that!
Running barefoot to encourage girls to reach the impossible – by Hans J. Marter in Shetland News/UK (June 2, 2019)
Anna McNuff, an endurance athlete and global adventurer has started a five month long challenge that will see her running barefoot from Skaw to London in the UK–to encourage others.
- Anna McNuff’s “Barefoot Britain” adventure
- (see other recent stories on McNuff, below)
Local Gym Owner Has Deep Military Ties – in ShortGo, Laramie County, Wyoming News (May 29, 2019)
The story of SMSgt Monica Yarborough, owner of the H.I.I.T. Gym (“High Intensity Interval Training”), where they train barefoot. Why? This link explains their reasoning. We only wonder why more gyms don’t also promote this natural and sound approach.
Zen of Fighting Titans – by Madison Iszler in San Antonio Express News (May 23, 2019)
The story of another CEO who prefers to go barefoot, including at work. He really dislikes wearing shoes–and clearly it has not hindered his success.
Barefoot Britain: why I’m running 2,600 miles this summer – with no shoes on – Howard Calvert in Telegraph/UK (May 23, 2019)
A second excellent account about Anna McNuff and her decision to run barefoot. As she explains, “When I ran across New Zealand in 2015, all the kids under 12 were running around barefoot. They were really happy, and it was completely normal for them to be barefoot all the time. It made me question everything I knew as normal.”
Discovery Channel’s New Series, ‘Guardians of the Glades,’ Follows Invasive Snake Hunting – by Anna Rumer, in Popculture (May 9, 2019)
Snake hunter Dusty “The Wildman” Crum and his team see it as their life’s calling to eradicate the python, an invasive and destructive species, from the Florida Everglades.
Dusty does it all while barefoot. As he explains, “If you have a rubber sole between foot and Earth, you can’t absorb what nature is telling you.”
Anna McNuff runs London Marathon barefoot and we’re amazed at her time – by Jane McGuire in Runner’s World/UK (April 29, 2019)
As the article states, “Proving that the human body doesn’t always need super shoes, McNuff ran a time of 3h44m.”
It’s science: Being barefoot boosts your kid’s development– by Pam Moore in Motherly (publishing date not indicated)
This inspiring article, written by a caring mom, cites authoritative research to support the conclusion that, “…optimum foot development in children occurs in the absence of shoes.”
The author concludes, “We all want to give our children a solid foundation. …We don’t necessarily need to do anything fancy or complicated to do it–[and] creating a solid physical foundation is as simple as letting them be barefoot.”
Minute in My Shoes: This K-State student takes a minute out of her shoes – by Emma Witter in The Kansas State Collegian (April 10, 2019)
Initially inspired by her studies, a college student finds going barefoot a great stress reliever.
A Week in Korea: Barefoot Hiking, a Brush with History and the DMZ Close Up – By San Yamin Aung in The Irrawaddy (April 9, 2019)
When a journalist attends a World Journalist Conference in Korea, she begins with a unique experience: a group barefoot hike up Mt. Gyejok, sponsored by a local business president who discovered the benefits of barefoot walking after an unplanned barefoot walk of his own.
Who Needs Shoes Anyways? by Amanda Guzman in The Record, Goshen College campus newspaper, Goshen, IN (April 4, 2019)
From students to faculty, Goshen College in Indiana offers a “free the toes” community and anybody can join. The school fosters an inclusive campus that includes affirming those who adopt a barefoot lifestyle. That’s our kind of place!
Barefoot and brave – Cork’s 1890 All-Ireland hurling rebels – by Pauline Murphy in IrishCentral (April 2, 2019)
Back in 1890, the All-Ireland Hurling Final took place in Dublin and one team showed up in full uniform but barefoot. However, that underdog team proved lightning quick and won the day. Did their bare feet make the difference?
Your New Healthy Habits? They’re Ancient, by Danielle Hansen in Yes! (April 1, 2019)
Modern medicine continues to discover how traditional practices and lifestyles of Native Americans improved vitality, health and physical well-being. Among the practices? Going barefoot. Of course!
Irish woman lands dream job in the Maldives: My life as ‘barefoot bookseller’, by Aimee Johnston, in The Irish Times (March 26, 2019)
Maybe she’s found the ideal job: working in a bookstore on the luxury island of Kunfunadhoo in the Maldives. No shoes expected!
“After four flights, two bus rides and a rather stressful late-night journey in a speedboat,” writes the author, “I arrive on the island. At the jetty I’m kindly asked to remove my shoes. It seems they were very serious about the being barefoot. I take them off, feel the sand beneath my feet, and let them lead me wherever it is I’m going next. I haven’t seen shoes since.”
The tiny Indian village that banned shoes, by Kamala Thiagarajan at (March 8, 2019)
In a country where people often go barefoot indoors – considering it a gesture of respect and a nod to hygiene – a village in southern India has taken the practice to a new level. With few exceptions, no one in the village wears shoes. No-one enforces the “ban” and it’s not a stringent religious code; it’s a time-worn tradition steeped in love and respect.
Barefoot pleasures by Averyell Kessler in The Northside Sun, (March 7, 2019)
In reflecting on one of life’s simple pleasures, the author recognizes that going barefoot endures because it’s more than going without shoes. “It’s ultimate childhood freedom at its best, an ignore the rules, unwrap another piece of Double Bubble, I don’t care who’s watching burst of liberation.” Kessler has written a delightful and inspiring essay.
Is a barefoot trend sweeping SNC campus? by Elizabeth White, in Sierra Nevada College Eagle Eye (March 6, 2019)
According to the author, going barefoot on college campuses has recently become a trend in the western region of the U.S., even in winter. We welcome the resurgence of this previously common and perennially enjoyable practice. Go, Sierra Nevada College!
How Barefoot Training Can Make You Stronger, by Dan Giordano, in Men’s Health (February 25, 2019)
As the article relates, “Training barefoot just might be the secret to a bigger, stronger you. And yes, it is a thing, especially in the powerlifting crowd.”
How Going Barefoot Affects Your Brain – by Dr. Sam Oltman, Correct Toes Blog (February 1, 2019)
Physical sensory feedback from the feet can enhance brain functions. It’s nice to have a medical expert confirm what barefooters have long recognized.
O‘ahu in 1937: Barefoot Football Season Opener Draws 15,000 (Football in paradise, an excerpt from October 1937) – by Don Wallace, in Honolulu Magazine (January 31, 2019)
The author waxes nostalgic about an earlier time when football players in Hawaii played barefoot–under official American football rules.
Why the NFL used to have barefoot kickers – by Blake Stilwell, in We Are The Mighty (January 30, 2019)
Back in the 1980’s at least four National Football League teams (American football) had successful barefoot kickers. Learn more about them, and what changed, in this article.
A barefoot walk in the snow aids restful sleep, says daycare centre – in (January 24, 2019)
A Dutch daycare center includes a parent-approved practice, based on the Kneipp method, of allowing children to run barefoot briefly in the snow. It “stimulates blood circulation, reduces infections and children fall into a deeper and more restful sleep,” explains the center.
Benefits of Going Barefoot (and the Best Barefoot Shoes) – by Katie Wells, blog in WellnessMama (January 23, 2019)
‘Humans weren’t born to wear shoes’: Vegan personal trainer reveals the surprising health benefits of going BAREFOOT – from ‘curing’ stiffness to improving posture – by Latoya Gayle, in Daily Mail [UK], (January 20, 2019)
Aynsley Lyman, a personal trainer who indicates that going barefoot has helped him overcome knee pain offers advice to others who want to experience the benefits of going barefoot.
Charles Albert, Barefoot Climber, Establishes World’s Second V17 – by Meredith Reitemeier, in Rock and Ice, the climber’s magazine (January 18, 2019)
The 20-year-old Albert’s barefoot style has made him a novelty in the climbing world–but also a very successful climber.
Much-loved hippy Pete ‘The Feet’ who went barefoot for 50 years and kept his mummified little finger on the mantelpiece dies aged 73 – by Danyal Hussain, in Daily Mail (January 17, 2019)
A respectful tribute to Pete ‘The Feet’ McKenzie, who became something of a legend in Moseley village, Birmingham (The U.K.), in part, because he stopped wearing footwear 50 years ago.
Another article: Much-loved hippy Pete ‘The Feet’ who went barefoot for 50 YEARS even in rain and snow dies aged 73, in The Sun (January 17, 2019)
Who is the barefoot trumpeter of Southern Cross Station? – by Carolyn Webb, in The Age [Australia] (January 11, 2019)
One man brings joy to busy pedestrians in Melbourne, Australia by playing the trumpet–barefoot. The article explains, “He says he plays barefoot because he uses his whole body to create the sound, and ‘‘I can breathe and stretch my body better if I don’t wear shoes”.
Flying with the barefoot pilots of the Maldives – by Karla Cripps, video by Channon Hodge, CNN travel (January 10, 2019)
How about that! Pilots and passengers who prefer to fly barefoot–and with the full support of the airline, Trans Muldivian Airways. We only wonder why all airlines don’t follow their example.
Frankie’s goes Barefoot – by Jeanette Boner, in Teton VAlley News (January 10, 2019)
Coverage of a popular gym in Driggs, Idaho which has adopted a new name and fitness approach: Barefoot Fitness and Pilates.
More about the program here: “Barefoot: Fintess and Pilates, the Intelligent Shoeless & Sockless Movement for the smart & savvy exerciser.“
Yoga isn’t the only workout you should be doing barefoot – by Tehrene Firman, in Well and Good (January 8, 2019)
Yup, bare feet aren’t just for Yoga. As personal trainer Austin Lopez explains, barefoot weightlifting, among its benefits, builds strength and helps one find the optimal firing position.
Barefooters again to dip into Lake Norman on New Year’s Day – from
Every January 1st, certain hardy folks seem to enjoy the invigorating challenge of welcoming the new year with an outdoor plunge in icy waters.
This year brought no exception. This article reports on the 41st annual Lake Norman New Year’s Day Barefoot Tournament marquee water-skiing tournament and exhibition.
What better way to usher in the new year than with bare feet?!
For 2018 “What’s New in Barefooting” archives
For 2017 “What’s New in Barefooting” archives