From: AG
Date: 2-26-2018
Benefits From My Transition to Barefooting
I actually came to barefooting (about 15 years ago) as a result of being diagnosed with chondromalacia patellae in both knees. I also suffer from periodic lower back problems that, in the past, completely incapacitated me for 2-3 days at a time. Of course I googled possible treatments and methods for improving my mobility and reducing pain, and walking barefoot was one thing I found and decided to try.
At first, after 35 years of being shod morning till night, it seemed to me impossible that I would ever be able to walk more than about 100 metres barefoot, even on smooth surfaces, let alone anything rough! My feet itched and ‘buzzed’ initially after walking barefoot. My calf muscles ached. However, I stuck with it and adapted more quickly than anticipated. I soon noticed beneficial changes:
– My feet, which had always been cold and clammy when out of shoes, became warmer (it was actually my wife who first noticed and pointed this out in bed!).
– I had long been so flat-footed that my knees pointed inwards towards each other. After a few months, they straightened and pointed forwards, as my arches strengthened and re-established their correct shape.
– I had no knee or back pain walking barefoot for up to 12-14 miles. Contrast that with a maximum of 1-2 miles in shoes before pain and discomfort would set in.
– A plantar wart (verruca) that I had had for a year or so quickly disappeared.
– My athlete’s foot and nail fungus disappeared (the former quite quickly, the latter after 18-24 months).
– My general posture improved; I slouched much less.
– I have hardly had a cold since I started barefooting, whereas I had always been quite susceptible prior to that.
– After a couple of years I was able to run again (not far or fast, but with joy and without pain).
– AG