Websites — YouTube
Above: Living Barefoot Around the World, Q&A Part 1 — Barefoot men and women answer questions on Living Without Shoes.
- Second International Barefoot, Q&A Part 1– More barefooters talk about living without shoes
- Second International Barefoot, Q&A Part 2
- Second International Barefoot, Q&A Part 3
- Second International Barefoot, Q&A Part 4
- Second International Barefoot, Q&A Part 5
Above: Barefoot-A-Thon Highlights — Two sisters demonstrating successfully going barefoot in places such as stores, a library, etc.
Above: Persuasive speech on going barefoot
General (by date):
- Why I have lived Barefoot for 8 years in Puerto Rico – Youtube video by “Radically Wild” (March 3, 2025) – Video by a self-described “barefoot environmental activist” in Puerto RIco who explains the benefits he experienced by ditching the shoes.
- Akron man says barefoot running changed his life – by Lindsay Buckingham, report and video, WKYC TV news (August 19, 2024)
- VIDEO: Going to school barefoot in an island paradise – by Emma Siossian and Hannah Ross, in ABC News/Australia (August 16, 2024) – On world-heritage listed Lord Howe Island exists NSW’s most remote school, where learning also comes from the environment, and students go to school barefoot.
- Jungle Queen and Tarzan Girl – (September, 2023) Youtube video by Audrey Nerat, AWG (Amazing Workout Girls)
- Camping In The Canopy | Overnight in a Giant Tree – by Noah Kane, Youtube video (March 10, 2023) – Features the 100 foot tree-climbing experience of an adept barefoot climber.
- Gabriela Sagore – (March, 2024, with frequent updates) A self-described Guatemalan living in Australia who likes t,o paint, drink cocoa and tea and walk barefoot.
- My Barefoot Path: Spirituality, Health and other Reasons for a Life on Bare Soles [English version] (February 15, 2023) – by Rupert Bergmann, aka LayFraCantor. Rupert narrates his 20 year barefoot journey, lifestyle, motivations and experiences.
- Barefoot Ice Princess Youtube channel – (March, 2023 with frequent updates) A woman who walks and hikes barefoot in all seasons and terrains.
- Going Barefoot Changed My Life – Sports scientist Martin Perkins discusses foot health and well being and the role going barefoot plays in that (February, 2023)
- Barefoot Urbexer – Bad Influence – Series of videos by a barefooter about his barefoot exploits (starting, January 2023)
- I spent a day with barefooters – by Anthony Padilla, Podcast (Youtube) (December 1, 2022) – Anthony Podilla interviews three “Barefooters” to learn the truth about the benefits of not wearing shoes and connecting with the ground.
- How Feet Made Us Human – Video by the New York Times [paid by Birkenstock] (August, 2022) – A short video with expert interviews in how evolutionary changes in the human foot led to the ability to walk upright, and the advantages that provided. While underwritten by a shoe company, the content focuses on the benefits of walking barefoot.
- Wild Barefoot Adventures to the Rivers of Guayanilla Puerto Rico – by Radically Wild (June 2, 2022) [See his full video series here]
- Primal Survivor: Escape the Amazon – National Geographic series on barefoot survivalist Hazen Audel as he fights his way through the unexplored Amazon using only traditional survival methods. (beginning 2022)
- LoserAna – Barefooter in Hungary (beginning Fall 2021) – The creator removed her videos from her Youtube channel. However, they still appear here. A series of English language Vlogs by a barefooter in Hungary relating her everyday barefooting experiences.
- Should I Go Barefoot? (how to transition safely) – By Vaughan Thompson – Have you ever wondered what all the hype is around adopting a barefoot lifestyle? This video proves the benefits with research and science while giving a guide on how to transition safely.
- Exploring Hampi, India in Bare Feet (Part 1) – A British barefooter, musician and SBLer records his visit to India and meeting with a fellow barefoot and performer. (Part 2 here)
- Friends…this is why I go barefoot – my story | injuries, benefits, nature | barefoot girl in woods – In her calm, engaging style, barefooter Orysia Anna explains why she goes barefoot, responds to questions about barefoot living and discusses the benefits of going barefoot in nature (beginning fall, 2021).
- Barefoot Homestead – Collection of videos and Tiktok entries related to barefooting by an unnamed source regularly updated (beginning in 2021)
- Everglades Holiday Park Airboat Tours and Rides – Includes Youtube videos about alligator handlers in Florida who work barefoot! (2021)
- Barefoot Over Glass – An SBL member briefly demonstrates the ease of walking over broken glass in the street while barefoot.
- Shoes on the Trail (2021) – A series of videos (beginning March, 2021) following a barefoot hiker traversing the Appalachian Trail.
- Penance and Confession Pilgrimage (2021) – Documentary of a barefoot Lenten spiritual walk by an Austrian (German with English subtitles or English text spoken).
- Barefoot a cappella version (official video by Les Brünettes) – A fun, upbeat and feel-good music video, presenting barefooting in a happy, positive light (June, 2020).
- Dr. Emily Splichal Videos – Link to a series of informative videos on various foot-health related topics, featuring a noted podiatrist (latest updates: 2020)
- Dr Gwendal Galesne – A French family doctor who promotes barefoot running. Dr. Galesne adds new videos regularly, some in French but with English subtitles (latest updates: 2020).
- Kyiv bare-footers shun shoes – TV interview with barefooters in Kyiv (2019)
- Soil Sister Lauren Farms Barefoot – A farmer explains her preference to work barefoot during a “Soil Sister’s Weekend” event.
- Barefooting: Winter Update – Barefooter Emma Wilding answers submitted questions about living barefoot including going barefoot in winter (Dec. 2018)
- Cold Won’t Deter Woman committed to Going Barefoot – CTV/Canada TV news feature about Sierra Larson who goes barefoot outdoors in winter (January, 2018)
- Barefoot In Canada – Bridge City News (Vancouver, Ca.) TV broadcast on the experience of a barefooter in Vancouver and interviews with experts including Dr. Daniel Powell, the “Barefoot Professor,” author of The Barefoot Book (2018)
- Soles Journey – A series of videos by barefoot runner Julia Taylor (2018)
- Video of Michael Murphy builder of magnificent tree houses with Barefoot Builders and Treehouse Dreamers, discussing his outlook on life, including his reasons for living barefoot (2017.
- Riding the wave of inner calling: inspirational talk tied to barefooting by (SBL member) Nara Petrovic (2016)
- Nara talks about barefooting: Nara shares his experiences and views on his predominately barefoot life (2016)
- Matt Cardell hikes barefoot to the top of Mount Elbert, Colorado’s highest mountain, 14,000+ feet. (2016)
- French rock climber Charles Albert – A French Epic-TV video (with English sub-titles) about a barefoot rock-climber (2016)
- Sailplane ride while barefoot! And in style! Looks like fun (2016)
- Barefoot ZION adventure babe – Barefoot hiker Noelani Tsunami records her hike in Zion National Park (2016)
- Benefits of Going Barefoot – informative video on both benefits and myths (2015)
- Life in Germany: Barefoot Park – An American visits a Barefoot Park . . . and finds it a “ton of fun.” (2015)
- Free Your Feet – Short documentary on barefoot running and lifestyle by Leslie Schachter. Includes interviews with Dr. Stephen Robbins, barefoot runners and full-time barefooters (2014)
- Why Barefoot Is Better, Episode 41 – Michelle Richards, on how it enhances mobility, senses, and stability, preventing injuries [see also: Episode 45] (2014)
- Decided to Stop Wearing Shoes (2014) – A Norwegian language article about a family that decided to stop wearing shoes (use Google Translate to read in English)
- Hang Gliding with Barefoot Joe (2014)
- Barebottom Shoes — Sue Kenney at Toronto Yoga Show (2013)
- Barefoot students on Cornell Campus — Why some students prefer to trek through Ithaca without footwear(2012)
- 5th Grade School in Australia (video) – both students and teachers carry out their classroom activities barefoot. The video (which focuses on “co-teaching”) never refers to, or explains, the lack of footwear. It’s apparently the norm there (2012)
- WGN News segment on Chicago man (and SBL member) who prefers to go barefoot (2012)
- ABC Good Morning America show, segment on barefooting (2012)
- Portrait: Barefooter Amanda Dihver Danish news interview [In Danish] (2012)
- Maggie and the Beautiful Machine – The Feet – informative video on foot health by health coach Maggie Lettvin, writer and host of the PBS TV show “Maggie and The Beautiful Machine” (2011)
- Prof Irene Davis talks about barefoot running – In an interview, Prof. Davis explains the benefits and risks of running barefoot, based on research (2011)
- Stop Barefoot Discrimination, an informative video from Reality Check with Check Blair (2011)
- ABC News – Barefoot Running: Is Going Shoe-Free For You? (2010)
- Kicking Off His Shoes – Forever: CBS News profiles barefooter Chris Roat (2008)
- ‘Mountain Dew’ soft drink video “That Barefoot Feeling” (from 1969 TV ad)
Those without Arms, the amazing feet of (by date):
- Girl With No Arms Sings & Plays Piano With Her Feet – YouTube video from Got Talent Global (March, 2017)
- Limb-itless: Pilot Born Without Arms Defies All Odds – Flying a plane! (2015)
- Woman With No Arms, No Excuses! – Doing normal everyday things (2014)
- A Day in the Life of Bonnie Consolo – A woman born without arms (2012)
- Driving With My Feet – A woman born without arms demonstrates driving her car (2012)
- Driving Without Arms – A man driving his car (2012)
- Pianist Liu Wei – Playing the piano and winning ‘China’s Got Talent’ (2010)
- The Life of Jessica Parks – A day in the life of an armless teen 2007)
- Musician Mark Goffeney – playing guitar – 2013 Imagine Awards
- Musician Mark Goffeney – playing guitar – 2008 CAP Awards
- Musician Mark Goffeney – playing guitar – 2007 Wild World