Barefoot Hiking


…That’s just what they do!

And if they’re not used to walking on certain textures and surfaces, they will soon adapt with just a bit if practice.

And forget not that the Earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” 

Kahlil Gibran

But Barefoot Hiking?!  . . .  Sure!

Nothing feels more natural than hiking through nature barefoot.

The toes and soles of our feet have the same sensory capacity as our hands and are meant to sense the surfaces they tread.  The many textures and sensations offered by the earth, grass, moss, gravel, mud and other natural surfaces provide a sensory delight for bare feet.  Many could not see hiking any other way!

HIKING BAREFOOT causes virtually no trail erosion as a bare foot makes much less of an imprint than a booted foot–offering an environmentally sound choice for hiking.

Videos of barefoot hikers and climbers in action:

Above:  Video of a barefoot walk and hike at Godolphin House in West Cornwall, England with Dr. Steven Bloor, the barefoot podiatrist (2013)

Blogs and Articles on Barefoot Hiking

How to Start Barefoot Hiking – by multiple authors in WikiHow, (June, 2022)

Barefoot Hiking is fun and a good workout for the feet – by Kriss Sands, in his “Born to Live Barefoot blog series (September, 2020)

How To Start Barefoot Hiking, a brief introduction, WikiHow – (Article and video) Provides helpful step by step advice for one’s first barefoot hike (updated, April 2020).

Barefoot in the park: the joy of walking over rocks and roots, by Ailsa Ross, article in The Guardian.  Ross, from Canada, describes her transition to barefoot hiking to better experience her outdoor environment, helping  her recognize and appreciate the smaller details underfoot, along with the larger vistas surrounding her (April, 2020)

Barefoot Hiker takes on Wedge – by Joel Barde, in Pique Newsmagazine – The story of Tommy Gaudet, a barefoot hiker from Whistler, BC, who finds that he can hike quicker and better without footwear (Sept., 2019)

Barefoot Hiking Tips & Benefits – All You Need To Know! – by Luna Anderson, in Hiker Track.  A comprehensive article on what you need to know (2018)

Barefooting the Great North Walk, One Man’s Journey from Sydney to Newcastle – (Blog account) the personal account of Australian barefoot hiker Jeff Pages (2016)

Barefoot Hiking – by Darren Richardson, article in the Appalachian Voice, (August, 2006)

The Art and Sole of Barefoot Hiking,” John Harder’s inspiring article (originally written for Healing Options newspaper, Vermont) in which he relates his transition to barefoot hiking and the benefits he gained (April, 1997)

Barefoot Hiking related websites periodically updated

Barefoot Hiking – by John Harder.  An introduction to barefoot hiking, including a list of benefits and considerations for those new to the idea (original date unknown.  Periodically updated).

“General Hiking Considerations,”  HikeWNC –  An example of a general hiking website that endorses hiking barefoot as a reasonable choice in various environmental circumstances.

Barefoot Parks – Describing environments (currently mostly in Europe) specifically designed for going barefoot (periodically updated).

The Best Barefoot Trails in United KingdomWikiloc website on Barefoot Trails in the UK, periodically updated.

Barefoot Hikers Chapters:

Connecticut, (Thomaston) — Richard K. Frazine
Minnesota — Jim Guttmann
Missouri (Greater Kansas City) — Tom Kutscher
North Carolina — Asheville Barefooters — Troy Brengle
North Carolina — Raleigh, Barefoot Hikers of the Triangle — Omar Wiggan
Pennsylvania (NJ, DE, MD) — Christopher Roat

If you hike barefoot, or would like to, and would like to head-up your own Barefoot Hikers chapter, please contact us for information and about adding a link to your site on this page.

Interested in trying a barefoot hike?  Here’s a Beginner’s Guide.


The Barefoot Hiker

A Book About Bare Feet
by Richard K. Frazine
1993, Ten-Speed Press, ISBN: 0-89815-525-8

It’s a “how-to” book on barefoot hiking, but also on bare feet in general including thoughts, perceptions, and a historical and cultural viewpoint.