Websites — YouTube
Above: Living Barefoot Around the World, Q&A Part 1 — Barefoot men and women answer questions on Living Without Shoes.
- Second International Barefoot, Q&A Part 1– More barefooters talk about living without shoes
- Second International Barefoot, Q&A Part 2
- Second International Barefoot, Q&A Part 3
- Second International Barefoot, Q&A Part 4
- Second International Barefoot, Q&A Part 5
Above: Barefoot-A-Thon Highlights — Two sisters demonstrating successfully going barefoot in places such as stores, a library, etc.
Above: Persuasive speech on going barefoot
General (by date):
- Why I have lived Barefoot for 8 years in Puerto Rico – Youtube video by “Radically Wild” (March 3, 2025) – Video by a self-described “barefoot environmental activist” in Puerto RIco who explains the benefits he experienced by ditching the shoes.
- Akron man says barefoot running changed his life – by Lindsay Buckingham, report and video, WKYC TV news (August 19, 2024)
- VIDEO: Going to school barefoot in an island paradise – by Emma Siossian and Hannah Ross, in ABC News/Australia (August 16, 2024) – On world-heritage listed Lord Howe Island exists NSW’s most remote school, where learning also comes from the environment, and students go to school barefoot.
- Jungle Queen and Tarzan Girl – (September, 2023) Youtube video by Audrey Nerat, AWG (Amazing Workout Girls)
- Camping In The Canopy | Overnight in a Giant Tree – by Noah Kane, Youtube video (March 10, 2023) – Features the 100 foot tree-climbing experience of an adept barefoot climber.
- Gabriela Sagore – (March, 2024, with frequent updates) A self-described Guatemalan living in Australia who likes t,o paint, drink cocoa and tea and walk barefoot.
- My Barefoot Path: Spirituality, Health and other Reasons for a Life on Bare Soles [English version] (February 15, 2023) – by Rupert Bergmann, aka LayFraCantor. Rupert narrates his 20 year barefoot journey, lifestyle, motivations and experiences.
- Barefoot Ice Princess Youtube channel – (March, 2023 with frequent updates) A woman who walks and hikes barefoot in all seasons and terrains.
- Going Barefoot Changed My Life – Sports scientist Martin Perkins discusses foot health and well being and the role going barefoot plays in that (February, 2023)
- Barefoot Urbexer – Bad Influence – Series of videos by a barefooter about his barefoot exploits (starting, January 2023)
- I spent a day with barefooters – by Anthony Padilla, Podcast (Youtube) (December 1, 2022) – Anthony Podilla interviews three “Barefooters” to learn the truth about the benefits of not wearing shoes and connecting with the ground.
- How Feet Made Us Human – Video by the New York Times [paid by Birkenstock] (August, 2022) – A short video with expert interviews in how evolutionary changes in the human foot led to the ability to walk upright, and the advantages that provided. While underwritten by a shoe company, the content focuses on the benefits of walking barefoot.
- Wild Barefoot Adventures to the Rivers of Guayanilla Puerto Rico – by Radically Wild (June 2, 2022) [See his full video series here]
- Primal Survivor: Escape the Amazon – National Geographic series on barefoot survivalist Hazen Audel as he fights his way through the unexplored Amazon using only traditional survival methods. (beginning 2022)
- LoseAna – Barefooter in Hungary (continued updates, began in fall, 2021) – A series of English language Vlogs by a barefooter in Hungary relating her everyday barefooting experiences. In particular, see Nobody Walks In My Shoes (November, 2021) in which Ana offers her philosophy about life, and how that inspires her choice to embrace the joys and benefits of barefooting.
- Should I Go Barefoot? (how to transition safely) – By Vaughan Thompson – Have you ever wondered what all the hype is around adopting a barefoot lifestyle? This video proves the benefits with research and science while giving a guide on how to transition safely.
- Exploring Hampi, India in Bare Feet (Part 1) – A British barefooter, musician and SBLer records his visit to India and meeting with a fellow barefoot and performer. (Part 2 here)
- Friends…this is why I go barefoot – my story | injuries, benefits, nature | barefoot girl in woods – In her calm, engaging style, barefooter Orysia Anna explains why she goes barefoot, responds to questions about barefoot living and discusses the benefits of going barefoot in nature (beginning fall, 2021).
- Barefoot Homestead – Collection of videos and Tiktok entries related to barefooting by an unnamed source regularly updated (beginning in 2021)
- Everglades Holiday Park Airboat Tours and Rides – Includes Youtube videos about alligator handlers in Florida who work barefoot! (2021)
- Barefoot Over Glass – An SBL member briefly demonstrates the ease of walking over broken glass in the street while barefoot.
- Shoes on the Trail (2021) – A series of videos (beginning March, 2021) following a barefoot hiker traversing the Appalachian Trail.
- Penance and Confession Pilgrimage (2021) – Documentary of a barefoot Lenten spiritual walk by an Austrian (German with English subtitles or English text spoken).
- Barefoot a cappella version (official video by Les Brünettes) – A fun, upbeat and feel-good music video, presenting barefooting in a happy, positive light (June, 2020).
- Dr. Emily Splichal Videos – Link to a series of informative videos on various foot-health related topics, featuring a noted podiatrist (latest updates: 2020)
- Dr Gwendal Galesne – A French family doctor who promotes barefoot running. Dr. Galesne adds new videos regularly, some in French but with English subtitles (latest updates: 2020).
- Kyiv bare-footers shun shoes – TV interview with barefooters in Kyiv (2019)
- Soil Sister Lauren Farms Barefoot – A farmer explains her preference to work barefoot during a “Soil Sister’s Weekend” event.
- Barefooting: Winter Update – Barefooter Emma Wilding answers submitted questions about living barefoot including going barefoot in winter (Dec. 2018)
- Cold Won’t Deter Woman committed to Going Barefoot – CTV/Canada TV news feature about Sierra Larson who goes barefoot outdoors in winter (January, 2018)
- Barefoot In Canada – Bridge City News (Vancouver, Ca.) TV broadcast on the experience of a barefooter in Vancouver and interviews with experts including Dr. Daniel Powell, the “Barefoot Professor,” author of The Barefoot Book (2018)
- Soles Journey – A series of videos by barefoot runner Julia Taylor (2018)
- Video of Michael Murphy builder of magnificent tree houses with Barefoot Builders and Treehouse Dreamers, discussing his outlook on life, including his reasons for living barefoot (2017.
- Riding the wave of inner calling: inspirational talk tied to barefooting by (SBL member) Nara Petrovic (2016)
- Nara talks about barefooting: Nara shares his experiences and views on his predominately barefoot life (2016)
- Matt Cardell hikes barefoot to the top of Mount Elbert, Colorado’s highest mountain, 14,000+ feet. (2016)
- French rock climber Charles Albert – A French Epic-TV video (with English sub-titles) about a barefoot rock-climber (2016)
- Sailplane ride while barefoot! And in style! Looks like fun (2016)
- Barefoot ZION adventure babe – Barefoot hiker Noelani Tsunami records her hike in Zion National Park (2016)
- Benefits of Going Barefoot – informative video on both benefits and myths (2015)
- Life in Germany: Barefoot Park – An American visits a Barefoot Park . . . and finds it a “ton of fun.” (2015)
- Free Your Feet – Short documentary on barefoot running and lifestyle by Leslie Schachter. Includes interviews with Dr. Stephen Robbins, barefoot runners and full-time barefooters (2014)
- Why Barefoot Is Better, Episode 41 – Michelle Richards, on how it enhances mobility, senses, and stability, preventing injuries [see also: Episode 45] (2014)
- Decided to Stop Wearing Shoes (2014) – A Norwegian language article about a family that decided to stop wearing shoes (use Google Translate to read in English)
- Hang Gliding with Barefoot Joe (2014)
- Barebottom Shoes — Sue Kenney at Toronto Yoga Show (2013)
- Barefoot students on Cornell Campus — Why some students prefer to trek through Ithaca without footwear(2012)
- 5th Grade School in Australia (video) – both students and teachers carry out their classroom activities barefoot. The video (which focuses on “co-teaching”) never refers to, or explains, the lack of footwear. It’s apparently the norm there (2012)
- WGN News segment on Chicago man (and SBL member) who prefers to go barefoot (2012)
- ABC Good Morning America show, segment on barefooting (2012)
- Portrait: Barefooter Amanda Dihver Danish news interview [In Danish] (2012)
- Maggie and the Beautiful Machine – The Feet – informative video on foot health by health coach Maggie Lettvin, writer and host of the PBS TV show “Maggie and The Beautiful Machine” (2011)
- Prof Irene Davis talks about barefoot running – In an interview, Prof. Davis explains the benefits and risks of running barefoot, based on research (2011)
- Stop Barefoot Discrimination, an informative video from Reality Check with Check Blair (2011)
- ABC News – Barefoot Running: Is Going Shoe-Free For You? (2010)
- Kicking Off His Shoes – Forever: CBS News profiles barefooter Chris Roat (2008)
- ‘Mountain Dew’ soft drink video “That Barefoot Feeling” (from 1969 TV ad)
Those without Arms, the amazing feet of (by date):
- Girl With No Arms Sings & Plays Piano With Her Feet – YouTube video from Got Talent Global (March, 2017)
- Limb-itless: Pilot Born Without Arms Defies All Odds – Flying a plane! (2015)
- Woman With No Arms, No Excuses! – Doing normal everyday things (2014)
- A Day in the Life of Bonnie Consolo – A woman born without arms (2012)
- Driving With My Feet – A woman born without arms demonstrates driving her car (2012)
- Driving Without Arms – A man driving his car (2012)
- Pianist Liu Wei – Playing the piano and winning ‘China’s Got Talent’ (2010)
- The Life of Jessica Parks – A day in the life of an armless teen 2007)
- Musician Mark Goffeney – playing guitar – 2013 Imagine Awards
- Musician Mark Goffeney – playing guitar – 2008 CAP Awards
- Musician Mark Goffeney – playing guitar – 2007 Wild World