Children & Health


(Listed chronologically by publishing date)

  • Should we Be Raising Kids Barefoot? – video by SciShow  (May 22, 2023) – Noting that shoes can change how feet grow and develop, the video summarizes research on differences in foot health between those who live barefoot and those who wear shoes.
  • Barefoot Babies – by Dr. Kacie Flegal , in Natural Child Magazine – On how keeping little feet in the buff encourages a strong foundation for optimal brain and nervous system development (date not shown, likely late 2019).
  • Toeing the Line on Your Baby’s Feet – in The Pulse, a blog by Pregistry– An excellent medical article which also encourages allowing children to go barefoot for better health (August, 2019)
  • One way to improve classroom performance?  Remove kid’s shoes – By Derek Staahl, article and video (Feb., 2017) [Note: Link no longer works.  Click here to see archive.]
  • Let Your Kids Grow Healthy Going BarefootLittle Botanics (2017)  NOTE: Original link broken.  See article here
  • A Bare Foot Blog – article in the blog, Creative and Inspired Play, by an Australian Early Years Educator (Aug. 2011)
  • Barefooting – article in JoelVM by Joel Vander Molen, a barefooter who advocates for barefoot acceptance, especially for children (date not listed)


  • Parents of Barefoot Children – Parents promoting healthy barefoot information and activities for children (excellent website on the topic by an SBL member, but not recently updated)
  • Barefoot ChildhoodFacebook page about remembering a simple, more innocent time when children had a carefree way
  • Barefooting – Website by SBL member Joel VM, providing support for children (and adults!) to go barefoot


  • Night Eagle Wilderness Adventures – A “primitive” summer camp for boys in Vermont.  Quote from website: “Although most camps require their campers to wear shoes during the summer, Night Eagle campers choose to “lose their shoes” while they are at camp and try to get closer to the earth by going barefoot. Campers feel that going barefoot gives them a deeper, more respectful relationship with Nature and, from an environmental point of view, lessens the impact they have on the earth…. (Updated 2021)
  • Roots Camp – This camp for children, in Austria, encourages going barefoot as part of appreciating the outdoor experience.  (Updated 2021)