This page lists the “What’s New In Barefooting” articles and links we featured in 2021 (shown in ascending order by date).
WESH 2’s Miracle on 34th Street: Barefoot Santa – by Michelle Meredith, WESH TV News, Orlando, FL (December 22, 2021)
TV News segment about a local musician, Bing Futch, performing as the Barefoot Santa.
Experience a ‘barefoot’ massage at Revive Modern Massage in State College – by Morgan Koziar, on WTAJ TV News/Wearecentralpa/Studio814, (December 14, 2021)
Looking for a unique massage experience? This TV News segment covers the therapy options provided by Revive Modern Massage, a local facility in State College, PA, which includes Ashiatzuan massage, done using the feet.
Game On: Fun-filled ‘Len’s Island’ is a barefoot adventure – by Jason Bennett, in NW Arkansas Democrat Gazette (December 6, 2021)
Bennett reviews a new survival-crafting game in which, to the writer’s surprise, the characters must go barefoot. Makes sense to us.
Nobody Walks In My Shoes – by Ana, a Vlog on Youtube channel LoserAna (November 25, 2021)
In this English language Vlog, Ana, a Hungarian barefooter, offers her philosophy about life, and how that has inspired her choice to embrace the joys and benefits of barefooting.
See Ana’s full series of barefoot related Vlogs here.
I’m a ‘crunchy mom’ and I refuse to wear ‘foot prisons’ — aka shoes -by Susie Crawford, in The Sun (November 24, 2021)
Story of a mom who stopped wearing shoes (“foot prisons” as she calls them) to experience the world through her feet. Doing this full time has, as she relates, cured her severe foot pain and allowed her to feel more awake and alive.
This story appeared originally in The Sun (November 24, 2021)
Children will be allowed to go to school BAREFOOT despite experts rubbishing claims it ‘nourishes’ them and improves balance and coordination – by Andrew Prentice, in Daily Mail [Australia] (November 17, 2021)
Inglewood Primary school in Perth, Australia encourages students to go barefoot to help them improve posture, develop sensory awareness, and strengthen their feet and body. “We believe that children need opportunities to explore indoor and outdoor environments without shoes.”
The article quotes one medical expert who claims that no plausible evidence exists to support these benefits. Apparently, this expert is not aware of the wealth of research evidence readily available and featured on our SBL Medical Research and Children and Health pages!
Barefoot Climbing: Time to ditch the shoes? – by Sam Laird, in Climbing Shoe Review (November 15, 2021)
Curious about barefoot rock climbing? As it turns out, more than a few pro rock-climbers ditch their shoes while climbing. This article reports on a number of them and discusses techniques required for climbing shoeless, as well as the pros and cons of doing so.
Visiting Our Past: Barefoot in park – Aston’s era of footloose freedom – by Rob Neufeld, in Citizen-Times/Asheville, NC (November 14, 2021 – Reprint of original 2009 article)
A nostalgic piece, remembering a former “barefoot era that represented freedom without pampering.”
Meet Padma Shri Tulasi Gowda, the barefoot environmentalist known as ‘Encyclopedia of Forest’ – by Vishnu Vardhan Reddy, in India Today (November 9, 2021)
Tulasi Gowda, a 72-year-old woman from Karnataka, received the Padma Shri award on Monday for her contribution to the protection of the environment. Barefoot and dressed in traditional attire, she received India’s fourth-highest civilian award from President Ram Nath Kovind in New Delhi.
Walking a mile in someone else’s shoes (or lack thereof): Members of the College of William and Mary’s newest club discuss the benefits, challenges of the barefoot lifestyle on campus – By Ellie Kurlander and Daniel Posthumus, in The Flat Hat [William & Mary’s student newspaper] (November 8, 2021)
The title pretty well says it all!
Friends…this is why I go barefoot – my story | injuries, benefits, nature | barefoot girl in woods – by Orysia Anna, Youtube (November 7, 2021)
In her calm, engaging style, barefooter Orysia Anna explains why she goes barefoot, responds to questions about barefoot living and discusses the benefits of going barefoot in nature.
Why Australians love going barefoot – by Kirsty B. Carter, BBC video (November 4, 2021)
The video begins, “If people were asked to typify aspects of Australian culture, barefoot would be in there.” The video explores the reasons.
(Note: ignore the “etiquette guide” who seems to have personal issues with others enjoying the benefits and simple freedom of going barefoot.)
I Asked People WHY Do They Think I’m Barefoot – by Ana, a Vlog on Youtube channel LoserAna (October 24, 2021)
Ana, a Hungarian barefooter, produces English language Vlogs relating her everyday barefooting experiences (beginning in the fall of 2021). In this Vlog, she interviews people to ask them why they think she’s barefoot. In the process she also explains her own reasons. Interestingly most of the people interviewed view barefooting as healthy and beneficial.
See Ana’s full series of barefoot related Vlogs here.
Barefoot Walking For Your Mental Health – by Benji, a Blog article in Clan Barefoot (October 14, 2021)
The author reflects on how barefoot walking had an even bigger impact on his mental health then he expected. (Other Blog articles by this author found here.)
Did COVID-19 make our feet healthy again, and are barefoot shoes the ultimate solution? – by Marlena Bachelor, in The CEO Magazine (October 12, 2021)
The Covid-19 quarantine resulted in numerous cultural changes, including the choice of many to go barefoot more often during time spent at home.
Some wonder how this might influence fashion preferences going forward. The article references a number of studies pointing out the health benefits of going barefoot. Unfortunately, it then turns attention to minimalist footwear (“barefoot shoes”).
But perhaps the quarantine will lead at least some to continue a barefoot lifestyle, having rediscovered its comforts and benefits.
Newly discovered fossil footprints show humans were in North America thousands of years earlier than we thought – by Ayin Woodward, in Business Insider (September 23, 2021)
Experts date these footprints back 23,000 years. Note the wide–and healthy–toe spread. These feet did not know or need shoes! Our human ancestors clearly functioned well without footwear. They have something to teach us.
Another link to the story – NBC News
Barefoot Dutchman’s World Record Walk Arrives In Nambucca Valley – by Marian Sampson, in News Of The Area/Australia (September 22, 2021)
The story of Dutchman Anton Nootenboom, who plans to break a world record trek, hiking barefoot from Cairns to Sydney, Australia. Nootenboom has made other impressive barefoot hikes and wants to make this one to also raise awareness for men’s mental health.
Link to: Nootenboom’s website
It’s time to rethink cushioned footwear for kids and seniors, this minimalist-shoe advocate says – by Ian McMahan, in The Washington Post (September 3, 2021)
While the author concentrates more on minimalist footwear as a solution for problems caused by cushioned footwear, his observations and conclusions also apply to the benefits of walking and running genuinely barefoot.
Appalachian Grown: The Barefoot Farmer – by Amanda Mueller, in 12WBOY TV News/West Virginia (September 3, 2021)
Story about Cindy Furbee-King, a genuinely barefoot farmer near Rivesville, WV.
Barefoot Half Marathon slated for Sept. 5, from Sterling to Shrewsbury – by John Conceison, in Telegram & Gazette (August 13, 2021)
A unique running event in Britain to benefit Nap Briye, a non-profit organization promoting remote learning for underprivileged children in Haiti and other third-world nations.
As the organizer–who runs barefoot–explains, “We want something unique, and we want to challenge people to go beyond their capacity.” Thus, the event requires running barefoot–and does not, as noted, have a “shoe wearing” option!
Margot Robbie really did that intricate foot stunt in ‘The Suicide Squad’ where she had to flip her toes backwards to open a lock – by Kirsten Acuna, in Insider (August 6, 2021)
The director of this action movie describes an impressive scene in which Margot Robbie’s character, with arms locked and hanging from a ceiling, grabs keys with her bare feet, contorts her body and flips her toes backwards to release a lock over her head and then land on the ground.
All the more impressive, Robbie performed the scene herself. As she explains, “I’m very dexterous with my toes.” Indeed, her performance demonstrates the abilities feet can have when allowed to function as designed.
No, Lack of Funds Wasn’t Why India Played Football Barefoot in 1948 Olympics – by Aishwarya Varma, in The Quint/India (August 4, 2021)
When India’s Football (Soccer) team competed in the 1948 Olympics, many team members preferred to compete barefoot because of comfort. It just worked better for them.
Local Colorado expert busts myths on being barefoot – on Fox31/Denver (July 25, 2021)
A local Denver, Colorado TV news program interview with Steven Sashen, an All-American sprinter, who busts a number of negative myths about going barefoot.
The link includes both the TV video and transcript outlining the various myths and their corrections.
We were proud of our bare feet and calloused hands – by Jack McCall, in Gallatin News/Gallatin, TN (July 3, 2021)
Another summer season reflection on the “olden days” when, among other routine and enjoyable activities, children went barefoot. Of course, it doesn’t have to exist as only a distant memory. Children and adults can still enjoy this free and enjoyable activity. Some still do. Carpe Diem!
Barefoot – by Kristen Barron, in River Reporter/Narrowburg, NY (June 16, 2021)
Lighthearted reflections on childhood summer barefoot remembrances–with a nod to its benefits for both health and well-being.
For Northland children in overcrowded housing, the gift of a jacket makes ‘eyes light up’ – by Jodi Bryant, in The Northern Advocate/New Zealand (June 14, 2021)
New Zealanders understand what students in poorer economic conditions need–and don’t need.
In an interview, Selwyn Park School principle Vern Stevens explains that food, clothing and health products make the most difference to his students–with footwear farther down the list. As the article notes, Stevens isn’t concerned about children turning up barefoot, since he, himself, attended school in Dargaville unshod.
NOTE: For more on the problems with “shoe charities,” see the links on this page of our SBL website.
Could you benefit from barefoot walking? Meet the people taking off their shoes in the name of health or for a better connection with Mother Nature – by Reem Khokhar, in South China Morning Post (June 3, 2021)
This lifestyle/health & wellness article relates the experiences of people who go barefoot for reasons ranging from comfort to wanting to improve their physical and mental health.
Thetford to Holme-next-the-Sea barefooted charity walk – by Matthew Willer, founder of the Papillon Project (Updated: May 22, 2021)
Willer writes about preparing for a 74km (46 mi) walk to raise funds for the Papillon Project, an educational charity in the UK.
Willer’s refreshing approach: while some charity efforts promote going barefoot as a sacrifice to elicit misguided sympathy, Willer goes barefoot out of a desire to tread carefully in his relationship to nature and to reduce his carbon footprint. We can relate to that.
One Body Part You Never Exercise But Should, Say Experts – by William Mayle, in Eat This, Not That (May 10, 2021)
Physiology and coaching experts explain how performing targeted foot exercises can help reduce soreness, boost foot health, and help practitioners become more active. Useful advice for anyone, though people who go barefoot regularly gain many of these benefits naturally.
Robin Writes: Barefoot Weather – by Robin Garrison Leach, in Lincoln News (May 9, 2021)
Robin reminisces fondly about the joys of summer barefoot days during her childhood. She then concludes, “Take off your shoes this summer and remember how wonderful Barefoot Weather used to feel.” Wonderful advice!
Award-winning documentary follows Maine man who died trying to walk across America barefoot – by Beth McEvoy, in News Center Maine/NBC (Updated May 7, 2021)
Coverage on the story and movie/documentary (produced by Julie Sokolow) of environmental activist Mark Baumer who, in 2016, took a break from his job to film himself walking barefoot across America to bring awareness to the threat of climate change. Baumer had studied barefoot running, and trained to build up his feet.
While Baumer took steps to ensure his safety, his journey ended in tragedy in Jan. 2017 when, after 100 days on the road, he was struck and killed by a car in Florida. News report here.
Barefoot lifestyle deserves respect and acknowledgement from student community – By Jacob Hall, in The Flat Hat/William and Mary student paper (May 3, 2021)
A student writes about his barefoot lifestyle choice and what it means to him.
That Beautiful Barefoot Summer – by Robert Skydell, in Vineyard Gazette/Massachusetts (April 19, 2021)
A beautifully written nostalgic and perhaps wistful reflection about joyful childhood barefoot memories. But we wonder: why must they exist as only memories? Carpe Diem!
De Pere man goes barefoot for Earth Day – by Jorge Rodas, SpectrumNews1/Green Bay, Wisconsin (April 16, 2021)
Luke Titus goes barefoot most days–year ’round, actually–spending his lunch break walking about town picking up garbage. “I go barefoot in solidarity with the animals,” explains Titus. He has also started a Barefoot Buckets Challenge, donating proceeds to charity.
Where did “Shirt and Shoes Required” Come From?
by David Roos, in HowStuffWorks (updated April 13, 2021)
A brief overview of the development of this unfortunate signage, unique to the U.S.
(For more on this topic see: Where did “No Shirt, No Shoes, No service” come from? in Sporcle Blog – December, 2019)
Is it safe to work out barefoot? – by Amanda Capritto, in CNET (April 9, 2021)
The article recognizes and describes health benefits of going barefoot. It also addresses possible dangers, but these revolve largely around transitioning to bare feet too quickly, before feet have properly adapted. Of course, just about every human activity has potential risk, including working out in shoes (one example, see this medical summary by Dr. Steven Robbins).
Barefoot Movement Conference 2021 (Part 1) ‘Why Barefoot’ with Dr. Peter Francis ‘ – by Dr. Peter Francis and others, a video series on Youtube (March 31, 2021)
Leading bio mechanists and scientists share new research on foot health and movement which supports the barefoot lifestyle. While sponsored by Vivobarefoot, the research focuses on the benefits that going barefoot provides. Links to the full series: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Why you should ditch your shoes and go barefoot – by Elysa Dombro, in The Daily Clog / The Daily Californian (March 30, 2021)
An opinion piece conveying a list of good reasons to go barefoot. We agree. As the writer concludes, shoes are overrated.
Barefoot Children have advantages – by TCRN Staff, in Costa Rican News (March 28, 2021)
A brief but nice summary of the health benefits young children gain from going barefoot.
Grondahl: Let us now praise barefoot running – by Paul Grondahl, in Times Union (March 23, 2021)
Interview with distance runner and Skidmore professor Rik Scarce who has made a documentary after his part scientific, part existential quest to answer the question “why do people wear shoes?” Scarce notes, “Barefoot running is a metaphor for opening ourselves up to who we were meant to be.”
Link to more about his documentary: “Impact: Mobility and Modernity Reconsidered.”
Why walking barefoot might actually be good for you – by Samantha Cortese, Bobby Gonzalez, Andy Riesmeyer, Robert Puente, on KTLA TV5/Los Angeles (March 22, 2021)
A TV news story on the benefits of going barefoot, noting expert testimony that “walking barefoot actually strengthens the feet, while cushioned shoes weaken them, and hurt your stability and balance.”
Why walking barefoot like Drew Barrymore is actually good for you – by Selina Maycock, in Woman and Home (March 19, 2021)
Recent coverage of actress Drew Barrymore choosing to go barefoot outdoors inspired the writer to look into the health benefits of going barefoot.
Quebec-based runner posts 1:40 barefoot half-marathon to set world record – by Ben Snider-McGrath, in Running Magazine/Canada (March 4, 2021)
Karim El Hayani, running on Lake Beauport near Quebec City, Canada, breaks by five minutes the previous barefoot half-marathon record set just a month ago (as reported in the article linked below, dated February 4, 2021)
Wellness Wednesday: At-Home Barefoot Workouts – by Xavier Hershovitz and Derrick Larr, on 9and 10 News / CBS affiliate, Northern Michigan (February 17, 2021)
Celebrity Trainer Kollins Ezekh explains and demonstrates how going barefoot during home workouts can provide benefits for your feet, hips and back alignment (article and video of television segment).
Norwegian runner sets world record for fastest barefoot half-marathon on snow – by Ben Snider-McGrath in Running Magazine/Canada (February 4, 2021)
Jonas Felde Sevaldrud battled the snow, cold and blisters to run a barefoot half-marathon in 1:44:58, breaking the record of Dutch extreme athlete Wim Hof, also known for his athletic feats in cold weather.
C-FORCE: Bare feet are made for walking – by Chuck Norris, in The Eagle/Bryan, Texas (January 25, 2021)
As Norris notes at the outset, going barefoot offers many health benefits. Yet, various news outlets have recently reported on increases in foot injuries due to people going barefoot more while at home during the pandemic.
But, as Norris writes, “Instead of discouraging people from spending time shoeless, we should be doing the opposite. …A lot of folks have just plumb forgotten how to walk barefoot. They need more practice. And the unintended benefit of being grounded at home? We have the time to relearn what it is like to live barefoot.” Smart!
Another link to this article.

The wife of the Netherlands’ monarch ditched her shoes in her palace office.
While, most likely, the Queen does not go barefoot regularly, her choice does suggest that even royalty will opt to go barefoot when the opportunity presents itself.
A resident of North Medvedkov and his friends go barefoot in winter – by Natalia Anokhina, in Zbulvar/RU (January 22, 2021)
(The link above offers an English language translation, by Google, of the original article, in Russian.)
The article reports on a community of barefooters in Moscow, Russia, numbering about 100 members, and its founder, Anton Nikitin. As Anton explains, “…walking barefoot is a pleasure for us. When you go without shoes, you get a surge of positive emotions from tactile sensations…”
Sarah Fuller Ditches the Heels…Goes Barefoot to Introduce Veep! – in TMZ (January 21, 2021)
Fuller, a Vanderbilt University football/soccer player was in Nashville for the “Celebrating America” TV special and to introduce the U.S.’s first female Vice President, Kamala Harris.
Sarah showed up in heels but began shifting side to side on the turf, possibly to shake off nerves. However, once she removed her heels and went barefoot, she nailed it.
Studies show being barefoot makes you happier & smarter – by Becky Mansfield, in Your Modern Family, (January 13, 2021)
A summary of studies on children’s health benefits from simply going barefoot.
Not only does It help children understand spatial awareness, give them a sense of different textures under their feet and help feet develop naturally, it can also make them smarter, healthier and happier.

Article reports on research showing that allowing children to go barefoot in the classroom can result in improved reading skills and fewer behavioral issues.
The original research report by Dr. Heppell (2011)